The Carrie Diaries Review: Spring Breakers

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Remember that time when spring break wasn't all about bikinis, kegs and one night stands?

Yes, everyone, that time existed and it was in high school. As "Identity Crisis" showed, it was usually a lot of suburban hobnobbing, maybe a vacation, some video games, and extracurricular activities.

For someone like Carrie Bradshaw, it was a chance to spend a whole week pursuing her professional passion.

Can Carrie Pretend

The thing is...younger Carrie is a little too neurotic and serious at times. While it's fun for her to play at Interview once a week with Larissa, I'm not sure it's a full-time world for her. She has a lot of growing up to do. Sure, she was able to wing it, pretend to be Larissa and get Andy Warhol his wig, but she was too uptight at times. Uptight is not a personality type that would thrive at Interview magazine. 

Carrie, what's wrong with you? Your pacing is making the cokehead receptionist twitchy. | permalink

At first it was fun to watch Carrie pad around and pretend to be Larissa. She definitely served up that saleswoman almost as well as Julia Roberts did in Pretty Woman! However, by the end of the episode I was so sick of all the overblown, long, drawn-out explanations about how she's a high school kid and she's just trying to do this... and blah blah.

One of the first lessons to learn in New York City is that people move at the speed of light and don't have a lot of time. You need an elevator pitch, you need to sell it and you need to sell it fast. 

I think Carrie's week was probably great and a learning experience, but ultimately she belongs in high school right now. While Carrie was busy playing grown up, her father was busy playing tonsil hockey like a high school kid with new gal named Deb. Fun fact: there were two guest stars in tonight's episode that were on the original Sex and the City. Deb was Nina Katz, a girlfriend of Aiden's and Mrs. Kydd was once Mr. Big's first wife! 

Do you think it was better that Sebastian and Maggie didn't tell Carrie that they saw her dad making out? Will it come out later? I thought it was harmless enough. It was also fun to see Sebastian bonding with Carrie's friends. We know he gets along with Mouse so it was good he bonded with Maggie.

Mouse was on the crazy train this week. You know Mouse is really not herself when she's asking Donna LaDonna for advice. She is trying to find her competitive edge so she can catch Harvard's eye. Well, it turns out she caught someone else's eye, her nemesis Wes! Do you think she might be interested in him too?

Probably the biggest part of this episode was Walt's decision to confide in Carrie about his sexuality. Carrie obviously had an inkling that Walt may have been gay. She knew he was confiding something in Donna and there were a few other things that clued her into her close friend's secret. I'm so glad that Walt opened up to Carrie because I do believe they have a strong friendship and she would truly be very supportive of him.

What did everyone think of the latest episode of The Carrie Diaries? Did you like frantic Carrie? Did it remind you of your own spring break pasts?

Identity Crisis Review

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The Carrie Diaries Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

All the women's magazines are always encouraging you to be a new you, but being a new Carrie wouldn't be enough. I needed to be a new Larissa.


I can't think of anything I would be less excited about than work. I plan to avoid work my entire life, I'm gonna have to figure out how to do that.
