Hawaii Five-0 Review: Magic Breath

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"He welo 'oihana (Family Business)" was the penultimate episode of Hawaii Five-0 Season 3, and as such, set all the gears for next week's finale in motion.

They got Doris! They shot Kono! And even though at least one of those issues appears resolved, I'm sure it isn't. As if Doris's problems could be solved so simply! (Yes, I just referred to using slight-of-hand magic to trick a corrupt politician who wants to murder your mother as "simple.")

Helping Mom

But the family's win feels sweet while it lasts. Their heist was deliciously heist-y, complete with classic heist music and those special ropes that people in movies always seem to have ("heist-ropes," I think they're called?).

Their exchange in the elevator shaft was genuinely tender, as well as a clever reminder that, despite their many troubles and foibles, the McGarretts aren't like you and me - they're a dysfunctional unit that is cool hashing out their issues while hanging several hundred feet up in the air in a state of cat-like readiness.

Of course, it wouldn't do to end Doris's troubles right before the season finale; then what would she do during the next episode? Use her AARP vouchers to go seeĀ Iron Man 3? Not quite her style.

I love Christine Lahti as Doris - she's certainly the most agile retired spy I've ever had the pleasure of watching, as well as a consistent fountain of good Hawaii Five-0 quotes - and while I don't know how things are going to tie up for her next week, I am sure that her part of the season will end with a bang (or, apparently, a card trick).

I'm also eager to see if the Doris plot line ends up tying into the Kono/ Yakuza thread, a plot line that, after a few episodes on ice, picked up an alarming amount of heat this week.

We all agree that we don't trust Adam and that he must be holding something back from Kono, right? Unless he really is an unwitting pawn in the hands of his brother, who must have put Kono's bullet in one of those bodies found in the warehouse? Unless he's actually the evil mastermind behind this entire operation, and thus is the one who put Kono's bullet in one of the bodies in the warehouse? (Note that in no scenario do I think that Kono actually shot the body found in the warehouse, because, come on.)

I'm personally leaning towards the latter. (I mean, who hasn't dated a guy who was secretly the head of an organized crime family, right?), but I feel like any resolution is as likely as any other in that case... including resolutions that I'm not clever enough to have come up with.

Hawaii Five-0 Season 3 - especially the second half - has been a such a tightly wound plot-driving machine, the only thing I'm really sure of is that I have no clue how it's all gonna go down.

And finally, of course: happy belated Mother's Day! I hope all of you had a nice brunch/passable brunch/moderately pleasant phone call with your mother yesterday, one that definitely did not end with the two of you hiding inside an elevator shaft, trying to steal some incriminating microfiche. Or maybe that's how your family does the holiday! Which is fine. I'm not here to judge! Follow your bliss, follow your microfiche, etc, etc.

What do you think Adam knows? How did Kono's bullet get in that corpse? Now that Doris has the microfiche, is she just going to get into crocheting?

He welo 'oihana (Family Business) Review

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Hawaii Five-0 Season 3 Episode 23 Quotes

I sort of thought we had something nice going, but if I can't compete with sand storms and artifacts, I guess it was time to re-evaluate anyway, right?

Danny Williams

Steve McGarrett: She give you a reason?
Danny Williams: A reason why she stayed in Morocco? Or a reason why she stood me up at the airport?
Steve McGarrett: Either.