Wilfred Review: You Got Smacked!

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If "Intuition" was the turning point of Wilfred Season 3, "Perspective" accelerated things in a hurry after taking that turn.

Following his tantrum at the end of last week's episode, Ryan was finally forced into talking to a psychiatrist. This head-shrinker, mind you, was cast perfectly, and then executed elegantly - and a few times hilariously - by Lance Reddick.

With much of the half hour spent inside Ryan's mind, this episode continued everything down that path that gives the viewers so many questions that we get whiplash.

Past Trauma

Will we figure out more about Wilfy? Who is this spotted dog? Is Wilfy an alien? Why is Ryan creating another man-dog who wants Ryan to think Wilfy is an alien? Why does he love Reebok Pumps so much?

There were a million things to think about as Ryan explored the inner workings of the thoughts and feelings of his past, but at the end of the day it was mainly just joyful to see that the therapy seemed to work.

By making his way back to that day his dad seemed like a monster, Ryan was able to see that his father was extremely sad in that moment. He was upset about happened to Mrs. Newman, and likely what it was going to do to his kids. THAT made Ryan feel better, which I'm sure we were all rooting for after that horrifying birthday disaster a couple of weeks back.

While Ryan was moving the plot along, per usual, it was Wilfred that made us laugh along the way. This isn't news. As far as comedic performances on television go, it's Jason Gann's world and everyone else is just living in it.

Between spilling his guts about rage issues and bird obsessions at therapy, his "Always" and "Never" bracelets, his eager anticipation on what food products were on the floor of Ryan's dad's offic  and using a tape deck to talk to Ryan during long stories, Wilfy was on his game again.

The best of all of it, though, had to be his belly-smackin-bat. What we weirdos call a wiffle ball bat, Wilfy hits Ryan in the belly with, and screams in his best Monster Truck Rally voice "YOU GOT SMACKKKKKEDDDD!!!" The first time it was good. The second time, it was better.

Combine all of that with the part of Ryan's brain that is worried about the parking meter, and Reddick's perfectly deadpan delivery of "Last time you got to the point where you were basically repeating the same sentence over and over, almost like a skipping record," and we were treated to a wonderfully funny half hour of television.

But what did you all think of "Perspective?" Was it one of your favorite Wilfred episodes of the season? What were the funniest moments? What did you like about it? Where do you think things will go from here? And how many Matt Damon heads are on the beasts in your mind?

Check out our Wilfred quotes page and then hit up the comments.

Perspective Review

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Rating: 3.2 / 5.0 (11 Votes)

Dan Forcella is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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Wilfred Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

Wilfred: Are you drawing on pubic hairs?
Ryan: I was a late bloomer.

And then when I was six, I developed an unhealthy obsession with this bird...until it flew away some five seconds later.
