Haven Review: Too Many Secrets

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The Troubles continue to wreak havoc in Haven and since Audrey's return the situation seems to be getting worse. 

People expected the Troubles to go away on the regular cycle and when they didn't it compounded the issue. Are they actually worse? Or, is it just an illusion? They've always been bad, but now the tension has heightened because no one knows what to expect or how to stop them for sure. All the secrets that the main players are keeping aren't helping at all.

Brother Trouble

Jordan created a monster in Wade. As in control of his Trouble as Duke is, Wade was the opposite. He turned into a killing machine, who believed he was helping the Troubled and the town just like his father did. He was obsessed with the power and sense of control. He had been lacking that in his life before his Trouble manifested and it fulfilled a craving for purpose.

Did Duke have to kill Wade? That's going to be a question that will vex Duke. Given the situation, I'm not sure if he could have stopped his brother from killing Jennifer in any other way. The cost was great though. Duke has lost his own Trouble. It remains to be seen if he will view that as a positive or negative. He's used it for good in the past, but it was also suggested that he use it to kill Audrey. He no longer has to worry about that.

Given all that's going on, Duke's decision to keep it a secret from Audrey and Nathan will end up be a problem. Will they be in a situation to need him to use it for the greater good and he won't be able to? Even though Jennifer flinched when Duke went to touch her, I hope that their relationship gets stronger over this.

Duke isn't the only one with a secret. Now that Jennifer knows that Agent Howard from the barn set up her adoption, she could use someone to lean on too. They both need each other and these recent events make it even more true.

The relationship between Audrey and Nathan just got awkward. Nathan hated "Lexie" and recoiled at her comments and personality. Though, he gave off mixed signals about what he wanted Audrey to do about it. He wanted Audrey back one moment, but then the next he was concerned that someone would figure out the secret. His waffling was irritating.

It's not like Audrey wanted to be "Lexie." And, really, she was doing it protect his life. He needed to chill out and just deal with it. There may be more to the story though about Audrey/Lexie. Both in Nathan's sexy dream (Nice bod!) and at the end, Sarah was mentioned.

Audrey never seemed to care much about Nathan and Sarah, but that appears to be bothering her more now. Is there a reason? And, Nathan was thinking about it too in his dream. Is it possible that Sarah could be making a return visit? Or, with the destruction of the barn, could Audrey also have Sarah's memories? I'm not sure where that's going, but it seems important.

When Audrey dismissed Nathan and said they couldn't be together, I was thrilled to see Nathan man up, come back and declare his love for her. He's had a tendency to be wishy-washy and this time he wasn't. He loves her. Does she love him back? And, will that lead to her being forced to kill him? So many questions....

The "Lay Me Down" Trouble of the Week involved dreams that crossed over into reality. The Trouble itself and the investigation wasn't all that special itself. It did though provide much insight into Haven happenings. There are two mysterious men who are involved with the Troubles. It's unclear why they are there or what they are doing.

The newspaper carrier was mugged, her Trouble spread, and she was left with a silvery hand mark on her back that only Audrey could see. And, then the men would staking out Audrey. With everything else going on in Haven, I'm not sure adding another mystery is necessary. I hope that it ties into one of the other stories going on and isn't an entirely new Trouble issue.

Should Nathan stop complaining about "Lexie" and accept the persona is necessary? Or, should Audrey just reveal herself? Should Duke see the end of his Trouble as a positive or negative? And, what's up with the two men and the silver hand mark?

Lay Me Down Review

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Carla Day is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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Haven Season 4 Episode 7 Quotes

Dave: Aww. Good. You're catching on quick, Lexie
Audrey: Well, it's Nathan brilliant investigative mind. It must be rubbing off on me.

Audrey: So you really hate Lexie, huh?
Nathan: She's not you.