Parks and Recreation Review: H2Flow For the Win

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I had a feeling this might happen.

On Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 8, Leslie scored a major win. And it's because she let go of trying to educate the masses.

She's willing to get down and dirty with the Pawnee mindset and it's very possible she'll solve her recall problem this way as well. Loose cannon Leslie may just be my favorite Leslie. She's truly in the game now. And she's playing hardball.

Leslie's Bucket List

As for assigning spirit dogs to each character? Perfect. Especially Craig's. And Leslie's. I believe she was assigned a golden retriever. Boundless energy and enthusiasm. Sounds about right.

It's enjoyable to see this show utilize all of its supporting cast members in such fun ways. It's Parks and Recreation Season 6 and we're getting to see Donna and April interact in a new and fun way. Same with Chris and Ron.

I loved witnessing Chris and Ron bond over fatherhood. And even though it was probably a prop, I love that Nick Offerman could have easily crafted that crib. I will sincerely miss the character of Chris when he leaves the show. His character is LITERALLY one of the best characters ever created. Ever.

Tom's strengths were really on display tonight. His rebranding skills are a gift. I predict a new line of work as a consultant coming up for Tom soon. 

But while I thought the first episode of this week's doubleheader was stellar, Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 9 really seemed to outshine it.

Who can resist all of Jamm's douche-baggery in one single episode? From his Benihana purchase all the way to his love for singing a Grease duet as Sandy, this was my favorite depiction of Jamm, all because he was given a real soul for a change.

His loneliness, while mostly silly, gave me a reason to actually enjoy him for a change! My problem with Jamm was always his complete and utter lack of sympathy. I didn't feel anything but hatred toward him. But this week, it's clear he's lonely; this gave me a little more to work with. And Leslie, for that matter, finally figured out how to truly best him. She just needed a little help from Chris to do it. 

In addition to this being my favorite Jamm episode, I also loved this episode for the way it showcased Ben and his new work place. Even though this work environment works best in small doses, I could have been perfectly happy seeing a few more episodes of Frank and Barney crushing on Ben in a major way.

And, hey, calzones made a reappearance! Ben gifting them Cones of Dunshire was the perfect touch. 

I noticed both episodes were Ann-less, and while I think I'd miss her more if Chris is gone too, I couldn't help but think that Ann leaving won't impact the show so terribly. I love the way Leslie talks about Ann, the way Chris responds to Ann, but Ann's impact on the show was much greater in the series earlier seasons. And her and Chris leaving works for their characters.

Any storyline that puts Ron, Tom and Donna together works for me. Although this seems so similar to one of their last storylines together. Tom and Donna always love injecting as much social media and materialism into Ron's life and we all love watching him react to it.

But April buying his cabin with $8, Larry's inhaler, and some old cough drops? Priceless.

How much money do we think Ron has at this point in his life? Must be a lot in order to be able to turn down a big offer on his cabin. Make your guesses in the comments below!

Until next time, my fellow Pawneeans. 

Flouride Review

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Parks and Recreation Season 6 Episode 8 Quotes

Remember when last year no one got flu shots because there was a rumor they’d turn you European?


This morning I saw a youtube video with a puppy riding a motorcycle. So my bar my bar for stunning is pretty high.
