Sleepy Hollow Review: Always Another Way

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It's safe to say that Sleepy Hollow Season 1 Episode 6 delivered in more ways than one.

Certainly by way of guest stars James Frain and the incomparable John Noble, but also in adding history to the life of Ichabod Crane, along with layers to the deepening relationship between him and Abbie.

"The Sin Eater" felt just a bit like a feature film in its execution, didn't it? The good news is we have another part coming our way next week.

Ichabod Hugs Abby

It was a wonderful way to start such an intense episode by demonstrating how comfortable Ichabod is becoming in his new home, as he and Abbie visited a local baseball game and she explained the game to him and what it meant to her and he understood it to represent democracy. He remarked that for a moment he felt as if he were home, and she countered by telling him that he was home.

Indeed, it seems as if Ichabod is exactly where he is supposed to be.

While we still don't get a lot of action from the supporting cast on Sleepy Hollow, it was cool how Abbie went to Captain Irving to get permission to get Jenny out on furlough by sharing with him what she knew about Ichabod and Katrina and the blood curse.

And, while he decided to hold onto his skepticism longer than he did his virginity, he played along. Orlando Jones has great potential to play with his role and I hope he gets the opportunity.

It was interesting seeing Ichabod before he was a believer, before he understood the greater evil that surrounded him, particularly, when he was still fighting on behalf of the English for the crown rule in that tell-tale red coat. It's funny, but thinking back to those scenes, I'm not sure how much of them were acted out and how much of them were delivered to us via exposition as both as equally as appealing when Tom Mison is doling out the information.

Katrina was about as directly responsible as she could be for Ichabod's discovery of himself as a witness, and with the help of the extremely generous Arthur Bernard - who was willing to give up his life for the cause - Ichabod found his way to General Washington and ultimately to present day Sleepy Hollow.

I was a bit confused about the curse Katrina put onto Ichabod and the Horseman that bound them together. Even before that, I was a bit lost as to what happened after Bernard was killed and the General was revealed as a demon.

Did the English see him as such? How did Ichabod get away and make his way to Katrina? Perhaps those details will be revealed at a later day.

The Masons wanted Ichabod dead to protect the greater good because of the spell Katrina cast. What I didn't understand was if Ichabod was only awaken to life because the horseman was, and the spell was broken, why wasn't Ichabod sent back to death? What's keeping him alive now? The Horseman is a demon, so his everlasting life makes sense. Are we to understand that witnesses also possess some extra skills?

The hour dealt a lot with purpose. Arthur Bernard revealed that his death saved Ichabod's soul. The Sin Eater learned in meeting Ichabod that his gift was given to him to save Ichabod, as well. Abbie mentioned to Jenny that after losing her and then Corbin, it was only upon finding Ichabod that she discovered a purpose she understood and someone she was supposed to find it with.

There was so much in the episode that showed how deeply connected Abbie and Ichabod have become. From the baseball game and Abbie telling him Sleepy Hollow was home, to her proclamation at the end that he could never attempt to leave her like that again, because she couldn't take it.

They may not be intending for any romantic notions any time soon, but their hearts are becoming very full of each other and while I once imagined them with sparks flying, I now see something much different forming.

If Ichabod and Katrina ever resolve their relationship, what will be left between him and Abbie will be a true bond of love and trust. It wouldn't be one of those silly relationships that we see so often in a will-they, won't-they scenario on other shows, because it would already have such a solid foundation. They remind me a lot of Mulder and Scully from The X-Files. They can be playful and antagonistic, but behind it all is a mutual admiration and respect. 

I'm not going to let the review escape me without noting how nice it was to see John Noble back on FOX. He was a sight for sore eyes, especially in a genre show where it felt so natural to see him at work.

Despite his desire not to be seen as a Walter type from Fringe, I couldn't help but feel his presence in the role of Henry Parrish. He had the slightly kooky and fatherly feel that Walter exuded, and his style played very well with that of Tom Mison. I do hope we'll see more of him in the future.

For now, the Horseman is coming. There is work to be done and they can finally do it. Perhaps the Masons will be on hand to help, and the Sin Eater - maybe even Captain Irving. It's time to gather the army to combat evil!

The Sin Eater Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Sleepy Hollow Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Open your eyes sir. Yes you! Basket face. I thought only horses slept standing up!!


I consider myself a sporting man, but why must you insult that gentleman for inciting a rule infraction? I fail to see the point.
