Dance Moms Recap: Is Anyone Safe?

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Dance Moms answered a very important question this week in the frightening affirmative:

Is dancing more important than education?

Considering that Melissa pulled her kids of our school in order to have them taught at him, and Jill considered the same, both so their children could spent more time with Abby… we seemed to have an answer.

The pyramid on Dance Moms Season 4 Episode 5 found Kendall, Brooke, her sister Paige, and Mackenzie in the bottom tier this week; while Nia and Maddie (shocker!) were second.

Chloe therefore landed the top spot, much to her mom's pride and joy.

Abby, meanwhile, came up with the idea to do a dance based on the civil rights movement. Is Holly down with this idea? Considering her daughter, Nia, is the only African-American on the team? Will it be tasteful? Exploitive? She doesn't bring these concerns to Abby.

The mentor wants Chloe, Paige and Kendall to dance together as southern belles, while she also wants Christi to homeschool Chloe because it's worked so well for Maddie.

To her credit, Chloe declines. She wants to keep some semblance of normalcy in her life.

As for part two of the national auditions in Atlanta?

The new dance mothers were chatty and irritating, actually getting into it a bit with Abby until she took control of the situation.

We then moved on to the actual competition, which found Mackenzie lip-syncing successfully and getting the team off to a strong start.

So… Abby should have been psyched, right? Nope. She wasn't thrilled with the trio and came to the conclusion that pretty much everyone is replaceable.

The girls received a standing ovation for their routine, with Holly carrying the controversial civil rights-themed dance. But Mackenzie only finished second in her division, a result made even more difficult when Abby compared her to her talented older sister.

Maddie and the trio won the top prize, but only the former was left feeling confident by episode's end. It's pretty clear no one else is safe at this point.

No One Is Safe Review

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Matt Richenthal is the Editor in Chief of TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter and on Google+.

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