Parenthood Review: Bandaids and Heart Attacks

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So many things on Parenthood Season 5 Episode 14 felt like puzzle pieces sliding into place.

It was a rather predictable episode, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. At least it appears as if we no longer need to play the waiting game with some of the bigger "what if" stories that have been floating around out there.

It surprised me that from the moment Kristina first met with the mother who was having trouble finding a place for her daughter in a traditional high school, I was absolutely certain she would start a school. It was so obvious as to be almost a distraction. It felt like the issues were pounded over our heads to drive the point home when it could have used a more subtle treatment.

It does give Kristina something to do, still keeps her engaged in the community and will give Monica Potter some meaty, plucky mom scenes to pad her next Emmy reel.

Crosby's mold story coincided just perfectly with the timing of Zeek's decision to give in to the love of his wife and put their house up for sale. If you regularly read my reviews, it's been my opinion that the Braverman house is as much a character on Parenthood as any of the actors, and I'd find it impossible for it to be abandoned.

Since Crosby and Jasmine just moved in, albeit temporarily, with the kids and their house is out of commission for months, I'm betting somehow a deal will be struck that they buy it. They were always my top contenders, given their growing family and small home. Somehow it feels as if Crosby loves the house more than anyone else, so it makes sense for him to be the next Braverman to be the head of the manor. Assuming things go my way, of course.

Zeek's appreciation of Camille was lovely to watch, starting with the tilt of his head as he admired her happiness as she painted with her class while enjoying wine, grapes and prosciutto. It was easy to imagine the thoughts running through his head, although I wouldn't have guessed he'd come up with such a beautiful sentiment to his wife about his changed view on selling the house.

See, while you were gone I realized that, um... this is hard... in our marriage, that you're the one that's made most of the compromises. You're the one that's made most of the sacrificing. You've been here for the family all the time and if selling this house is important to you, and I know it is, then I'm willing to do that for you -- for us -- because being in this house without you is... is not going to work.


That's the way a marriage should work. When two people are at a crossroads, they take time to reevaluate where they fit in each other's lives and, hopefully, they realize what it is that they fell in love with in the first place. Even better, like Zeek they'll see their deficiencies and want to make up for them to keep the marriage strong. 

Unfortunately, Julia didn't get that same feeling from Joel. I'm still disappointed in the way the disintegration of their marriage was handled, as it was untrue to their characters as we knew them. As Julia cried and asked Joel not to give up on her I tried to understand his point of view that he wished they weren't where they were, but I didn't believe him. Nothing in recent months has lent credence to that statement.

However, what's done is done and I'm interested in seeing the marriage break down. The long, lingering look that Joel gave before he got into the car lead us to believe it was his last as a resident of that house. I really don't think there will be any attempt by either party to reconcile, and I'm good with that. The damage done to their characters and their marriage is too deep for them to be accepted as a couple again. How the next chapter of their lives is handled can be just as dramatic and beautiful as was their marriage when we rooted for them.

It also wasn't surprising that Hank had trouble working for Sarah, but it was a nice switch up that he got a kick in the pants from Max, who didn't mince words in telling him that not only did he think Sarah would do a great job, but she got the job and Hank didn't.

Meanwhile, Sarah needed her own kick, and she got it from Carl. He was a bit surprised that she chose to work with the person she beat out to get the job and reminded her that it was her vision the client was impressed with, otherwise they would have hired Hank. 

When Sarah and Hank finally got to the beach and took some shots, Sarah was in her element. I'm looking forward to seeing how the campaign turns out and whether it brings her more work. Sarah's success would be a nice switch up for her character.

Unfortunately, we're going to have to wait until the end of February for the resolution on any of these stories and to find out how Amber is holding up with Seth. Thank Olympics! In the meantime, if you missed any episodes, you can watch Parenthood online here on the site.

Do you think Crosby and Jasmine will end up buying the Braverman house?

You've Got Mold Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Parenthood Season 5 Episode 14 Quotes

Sarah: I have to acknowledge, ya know, I'm potentially in over my head.
Carl: You're not, Sarah. You're out of your comfort zone. There's a huge difference. Because look. The work's right here. You were hired for your vision, and here it is, I see it. If they wanted Hank's work, they would have hired Hank.

Tech: Sounds fun. What would you like to call your network?
Zeek: How about cancer beams?
Camille: Villa Camille. I'd like to call it Villa Camille.