White Collar Review: Stuck in the Suburbs

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Assassin or lover?

Those are the distinctions we were choosing between at the end of White Collar Season 5 Episode 10 when it came to Rebecca.

But if there's one thing we know for sure, White Collar Season 5 Episode 11 didn't make the choice any easier.

Matt Bomer as Neal

Clearly she tried to shoot Neal and hasn't exactly refuted the idea that she took down both Siegel and Hagan. She will also stop at nothing to get that diamond, what for we still don't really know. What's motivating her actions is a complete mystery to anyone who is really paying attention at this point.

What isn't a complete mystery, and is quite frankly becoming more and more evident, is that Neal is really desperate for a settled life. He clearly wants a companion and was falling for Rebecca as much as one would have believed she was falling for him.

The confusing part of this is whether or not Rebecca was a genuine person or playing the role of a composite of all of Neal's exes. Some of that act had to be Rebecca and not "Rebecca/Sara/Alex/Kate." I don't think there's a woman in the world who could manage that.

Which is probably why the act fell apart so quickly once the truth was out that she wasn't even Rebecca Lowe, she was actually Rachel Turner! If I was Neal, I would think long and hard before I got involved with a woman for a very long time!

But back to my main point, which is the fact that Neal is truly looking for someone to share life with. I've always suspected he wanted Peter's life and love, which he confirms every time he asks Peter questions about how Peter knew he and El were meant to be together, or admits that he wishes the accusations against those he is involved with aren't true.

I wish that for Neal more than anything. The man deserves to be happy and have that picket fence. I believe him when he says he would walk the straight and narrow to have it.

In the meantime, though, it's clear he plans to walk the line and likely cross it.

There is another very important issue that also needs addressed, and that's this business regarding Peter choosing to take the position in DC and El already having a job lined up.

This show was built on the idea that Neal and Peter had this work bromance that - though unconventional - was the bomb. I am concerned about how it plans to move forward with their leads in two different geographic locations. That's a lot of doing to come undone in order for them to stay, and it seems kind of unrealistic to do so.

Without reading too much into the future, though, what do you think Rebecca has in mind for Neal, seeing as she thinks she'll be seeing him soon?

Shot Through the Heart Review

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C. Charles is a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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White Collar Season 5 Episode 11 Quotes

Always the con man, never the con.

  • Permalink: Con Man
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It was a warning shot---I am taking the warning!
