Elementary Review: Adam Peer and The Legend

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For the first time on Elementary, Sherlock and Joan dove into the world of pharmaceuticals, Israeli operatives, an anonymous destroyer, cheating husbands, teaching legends, and helium.

All of these fascinating subjects were wrapped into one hour of television. 

Surprisingly, I wasn't as entertained as normal. On Elementary Season 2 Episode 18, the man behind the double murder was who I thought it would be all along.

Now, even though I was a bit bored and predicted the killer, I did enjoy this episode.

I think one of the most entertaining things about Elementary is the fact that it flies through topics left and right but is able to connect all of them in the most interesting way. This was a prime example.

Here's how it went: a man researching a device to detect cancer was killed by a helium overdose, after which it was revealed that his boss was cheating on his wife.

Well, the deceased researcher also happened to have an on/off relationship with an Israeli intelligence officer who pointed Sherlock in the direction of an anonymous writer named Adam Peer, who destroys companies and their medical ideas.

Here's where it gets interesting: Adam Peer happened to be two people, the deceased researcher and an executive representative for a huge pharmaceutical company. Then, in another plot twist, the cheating husband's wife turns up dead but the husband has an alibi!

Are you following this? For the climax of the episode, Holmes and Watson broke down all of these events and explained how the cheating husband was behind it all along.

He obviously didn't know that you can't put one on our favorite duo even with all of the twists and turns.

With all of this said, Elementary knows how to keep it fresh with their cases. It isn't just one idea, it's several and it keeps viewers around.

Elsewhere, Marcus was finally back in the field after months of not being able to shoot. I have to also talk about the awkward tension between Joan and him.

Does anyone else think that the more scenes they have, the more the writers may be trying to pair these two up? Personally, I don't see them together as more than friends so let's hope they don't go that route.

Marcus also had one of my favorite storylines to date: he finally met a childhood legend that he looked up to. Bell claimed that this legend kept him out of gangs when he was young. It absolutely broke my heart when his hero turned up dead. Nice twist but incredibly heartbreaking.

Overall, this episode was okay. Interesting for sure but just okay. I am still waiting for the final episodes to "WOW" me before a long summer hiatus.

What was your favorite quote from the night?

The Hound of the Cancer Cells Review

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Elementary Season 2 Episode 18 Quotes

When an Israeli operative gives you illegally obtained emails, you don’t skim.


Joan: Score: 1 for cheating husbands.