Grey's Anatomy Review: Step Forward

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Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Episode 15 centered around Arizona's and Callie's quite possibly worst day ever.

From one broken leg to an unexpected meeting with HR, Arizona simply couldn't seem to catch a, well, break. Like Arizona, I was surprised to find out that Leah launched the complaint against Callie.

The Non-Fraternization Rule

Seriously, poor Calliope! First, she lost her research. Then, she failed her patient. Lastly, she found out that a disciplinary report will haunt her throughout the rest of her career.

Luckily, Calzona still found a way to recover from their horrible day. It was definitely a longtime coming and I'm glad the episode ended on a positive note.

When the non-fraternization rule was first established, I was almost certain it had a slim to none chance of actually being implemented. Who would have thought that only one week later, Jolex would find themselves in a bind as the former was banned from peds and the latter was suspended from surgeries? 

Fortunately, Jolex needs to just sign away a declaration of their relationship and they won't be affected by the non-fraternization policy. However, will Jo have an issue with it? 

Elsewhere, Stephanie struggled with accepting Japril's new relationship status. Yet, she still found the courage to tell Jackson that she no longer cares about him anymore. You can rehash every awesome word of what she said in the Grey's Anatomy quotes section. It was kind of amazing.

By the way, I couldn't help but laugh when Stephanie accidentally hit Jackson with the gurney. I thought it was even funnier when the other staff members were actually clapping and cheering her on. 

As for Crowen, Cristina questioned the reasoning behind why Owen ended things with Emma. Meanwhile, Owen asked why she seemed to be so upset over their breakup.

I'm not sure what Shonda and company have in store for Crowen, but I hope that the Cristina Yang farewell tour is much more than just whether or not she ends up with Owen. Let's see her for the rock star that we want to remember her as. Come on, writers! 

Other Thoughts:

All in all, I thought "Throwing It All Away" wasn't boring by any means. There was hardly a dull moment as a baby was found, an odd request for the return of a kidney and a young patient wanting her legs amputated.

It won't be remembered as one of my favorite installments, but it marked a step forward for Calzona. 

And now here's your first look at Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Episode 16:

So, did Leah have a right to file the complaint?

Throwing It All Away Review

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Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Episode 15 Quotes

Did I get too close to Wilson? Did an alarm go off somewhere?


I'm fine. I got hit by a gurney.


Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Episode 15 Music

  Song Artist
Just Like Heaven Joy Zipper iTunes
Song Maneater Graham Fink
Tainted Love Gloria Jones iTunes