Grey's Anatomy Round Table: "Throwing it All Away"

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Welcome back to the TV Fanatic Grey's Anatomy Round Table!

Our review broke down Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Episode 15 in detail. Now, TVF's Christina Tran and Steve Marsi, along with Jarrod Mitchell, are back for a Q&A.

Read their answers to the questions and weigh in with yours!


What was your favorite quote or scene from Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Episode 15?

Christina: Stephanie had the best quote this week when she told Jackson: “I’m not going to feel sad, angry or pitiable for one more minute because I’m not going to care about you. So, if I don’t say hello or make small talk in the elevator or acknowledge your birthday or even acknowledge you’re alive, it’s because to me, you just exist because I don’t care.”

Jarrod: I am with Christina on this one. Stephanie told it like it needed to be said. I'm sure everyone can agree that what Jackson did was horrible, so I'm glad he's not getting off scot-free.

Steve: Make it 3/3. Stephanie FTW on that one.

What did you like most about this Calzona-centric installment?

Christina: I actually liked that both came to a breaking point. Callie told her she was sick of everything that had happened and Arizona finally admitted she was selfish. Maybe Calzona can continue to be honest with one another instead of constantly holding back what they really want to say.

Jarrod: I enjoyed it. It needed to be shown to us that they're trying and that they're building towards a better future. Arizona may have done a lot of disappointing things earlier this season, but she's trying for their family and that's good to see outside of a selfish Arizona we mostly know.

Steve: I've always found Calzona to be a compelling couple and this episode was no different. Arizona had been self-absorbed and it was satisfying to see she's self-aware enough to realize it. That's the first step toward lasting progress.

Leah made some fair arguments explaining why she filed the complaint on Callie. Was she in the wrong?

Christina: Ultimately, she had every right to file the complaint. Whether it’s the TV world or not, everyone ought to have a right to speak up if they feel they have been wronged.

Jarrod: I don't think it was fair. I understand both points, but had Leah empathized with Callie she'd understand her perspective. Callie isn't bullying her or singling her out or treating her like a lap dog. In that moment, she was mad to discover her wife's fling was across from her during a surgery. Had Leah been compromised at any other time past that I'd understand that, but it hasn't been. She's just being a baby at this point.

Steve: She had the right to file a complaint, based on the letter of the rule. That doesn't mean it was the right long-term move, however, and that's an important distinction.

What's next for Jolex?

Christina: They declare their relationship by signing away and live happily ever after. OK, maybe it won’t happen that quickly but Alex seriously needs to be happy. Cue Pharrell’s “Happy” because when Alex mentioned how Jo might leave him like Izzie, I couldn’t help but feel so bad for him.

Jarrod: Hopefully happiness and smooth sailing. It's been a rough patch for them this season following his father and now this has happened with the new hospital policy on fraternization. Hopefully things pick up for them, because they really deserve some drama-free couple time.

Steve: You have to think some period of contentedness, or at least milder turmoil. Some couples aren't happy unless they're unhappy or constantly going through drama, but I think these two really do want to feel settled and at peace. I just want them to reach that place.

How will Isaiah Washington’s return as Dr. Burke affect Crowen?

Christina: Well, he’ll be back for Cristina’s what-if episode and I can’t even begin to speculate how his return will make a difference. All I do know is we ought to see a real storyline and sendoff for Cristina. She spent the first of half of her final season feuding with Meredith. If the big story is now who she should end up with, I won’t be satisfied. Give Cristina the storyline she deserves!

Jarrod: I think Burke should come back and offer Cristina the job she deserves instead of some what-if situation. Either way, Cristina and Burke wouldn't have worked out much like Owen and herself, as Burke also wanted kids down the track. Cristina has noted on more than one occasion that she misses Burke as her teacher, so let that teacher come back and offer her the perfect job she desires. It's the only appropriate send-off for her.

Steve: Are we going to see a hypothetical sideways world in which she's with Burke, or is he going to return to the "real" storyline of Cristina and have a tangible influence on the course of the character? I think it must be the former, right? If the episode is a "What If" that seems the most likely, although if he came back to offer her a job as Jarrod says, that would be wild after all this time.

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Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Episode 15 Quotes

Did I get too close to Wilson? Did an alarm go off somewhere?


I'm fine. I got hit by a gurney.


Grey's Anatomy Season 10 Episode 15 Music

  Song Artist
Just Like Heaven Joy Zipper iTunes
Song Maneater Graham Fink
Tainted Love Gloria Jones iTunes