Awkward Review: Break Up

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After last week's dismal premiere, Awkward Season 4 Episode 2 arrived with some very, very low expectations. 

The installment made a play for shaking things up and fracturing the cores of the show, while putting in play some stories that have been brewing in the background for some time, particularly with Jake. 

Jake and Tamara have been on different wavelengths for quite a while now and it's about time Jake's actually standing up for himself with Tamara.

The girl can word smith like none other, but Jake in his relationship with her often found himself with no voice. He quickly became a clone of Tamara, liking all the same things she did. It's normal in new relationships to engage in that kind of behavior, but with the newness of their relationship running down, it just leaves their differences behind. 

Having Jenna and Jake have another go at things would certainly liven up both sides of the show and I'm not opposed to a revisit between the two.

However, at this point, I would rather Jake and Jenna remain friends. Most everyone has gone through some kind of awakening of some kind about themselves and it is time Jake given those same opportunities as well. 

With Jenna's mouth being shut for almost the entire episode, there was a chance to be out of Jenna's mind even more so. Even her usual narrations were nowhere to be found, but the choice to be out of even Jenna's own thoughts makes the show's direction even more distracting.

Jenna's inner monologues - or blogs - are often the insight into her psyche and her soul; they are how the characterization can further develop for other characters. Taking that away for most of the installment disconnects the audience. 

The biggest development, though, was Matty finding out he's adopted. Even Sadie confessing what she's really doing after school to Lissa did not compare. I'm hoping the new showrunners take this opportunity to really begin to put their own spin on Awkward Season 4. It's a chance to tell their own kind of drama and splash in some more heart. 

This installment was a decent step up from the premiere. There were a few funny moments, as Jenna's injury echoes the Season 1 opener. Hopefully, with the stories being laid, the series will find its own magic that does not completely ground what makes the first three seasons so great.

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