The Mindy Project Review: The Mile High Flub

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No April Fool's Day prank here, Mindy and gang returned from their winter hiatus with a two-part spring premiere.

Mindy and Danny picked up where they left off, still in their mid flight embrace at the start to The Mindy Project Season 2 Episode 15. Danny gave her a chance to write off the incident as a mistake, but Mindy was prepared for takeoff.

While they failed to join the Mile High Club, their lavatory love fest did take a turn for the hilarious.

Once back on the ground, things got even more turbulent when Cliff showed up with an apology and a Mariachi Band. Did he seriously try to tip Danny for getting Mindy home safe?

From there, Operation Break Up was put into action because Danny refused to go any further with Mindy until she cleared things up with Cliff. Despite a difference in religious outlooks, Danny won in the end. 

Mindy: I don’t care, because I’m Hindu, and we can do basically anything.
Danny: I don’t care what you say to that giant elephant up there. According to my guy, this is wrong.

Mindy cranked up the cat lady vibe and Cliff had one foot out the door, but then he got the news about his grandmother dying. Mindy's eulogy went up in flames along with the church after she and Danny's burning loins sparked a fire, but her Anna Nicole Smith reference along with quoting Kendrick Lamar was priceless.

Throughout the episode, there were several scenes where we saw just how single Danny had been leading up to the kiss with Mindy.

My favorite was when he replied to Mindy's text with "who is this? this is Dan." It was such a subtle scene but perfectly painted the picture of what a player Danny had been lately.

While Mindy was trying to get Cliff out of her life, Jeremy and Peter were trying to get a new client into theirs. After Jeremy had to exit stage right - thanks to his previous run-ins with the ballet company - Peter took center stage with some help from a most unnatural ally.

Peter really did pull out all the stops to get this new business for the practice, even causing himself some bodily harm.

Brendan: Peter are you crying?
Peter: I’m crying because I need to pinch a nip to stay awake.

In the end, the boredom was "tutu" much I guess for him and he snapped.

He quickly was given another opportunity to be the hero as The Mindy Project Season 2 Episode 16 got underway and the existence of a sex tape featuring Mindy was discovered.

This episode was more on the absurd side of The Mindy Project scale, but still very funny and packed with some subtle but very funny aspects.

Danny's red glasses made another appearance at the end of the episode as he read to Mindy, voices and all, but we also got to meet Mr. Neck, Danny's stuffed animal giraffe.

Peter also is one of those people who texts one word at a time. I most definitely have friends who do the same in my life and so I greatly appreciated Mindy calling him out for it. I did love his internet handle, though, BROBGYN.

Mindy also revealed something previously unknown when she mentioned the names she gave her two breasts.

Three hundo thundo just to flash Vince and Owen?


The idea that she even consented to making a sex tape may have seemed out of character, but Mindy had her defense ready.

It was the two thousands okay? You were kind of a loser if you didn’t have a sex tape.


In the end, she and Danny agreed to take things slow, which hopefully will make for more awkward encounters, coupled with tenderly adorable conclusions like we got tonight with Danny reading Bridget Jones's Diary to Mindy in her hospital bed.

Did anyone happen to notice all the empty Jell-O cups on the bedside table and the camera pulled back and faded to black? Such a great little touch to end on and a sort of nod to how Danny loves Mindy and all her little quirks.  

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