Awkward Review: The Downward Spiral

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If last year was the downward spiral for Jenna, this season is the time for Matty to find himself in trouble. 

Unfortunately for Jake, Matty brought him down as well during Awkward Season 4 Episode 7

Matty's destructive behavior is only being exacerbated by Eva and her wild stories. Without Eva wanting to get fake IDs for the gang, Matty never would have gotten into a verbal spar with the cop, nor would they be drinking in Jake's car. 

Thankfully, Sadie doesn't enjoy the kool-aid that Eva is serving up to everyone. Instead, she constantly finds holes in Eva's stories. Eva does try to do blackmail Sadie into submission by using the photo, but Sadie really doesn't honor her threats. 

It was rather noble of Sadie to tell Austin herself what happened between her and Matty, but Austin does not see the world like Sadie does. It's an emotional gut punch to watch as Sadie gets her heart broken over something that meant nothing to her; particularly since Sadie has been one of the few to really grow during the many ups and downs of Awkward Season 4

Yet, the worst part of Eva's actions is that she leaves Jake and Matty to fend for themselves with the cop. She knows exactly what is going on, but does nothing in the moment to help them.

In that scene, it's clear who Eva is: a liar. And her stories are just stories. She makes them up to gain friends, but when bad things go down, she's going to be the first to leave. 

Eva wants to be worldly and come across sophisticated, but the only vibe she gives in this installment is being self-absorbed and selfish. Matty deserves better. 

However, better may not be with Jenna. 

Jenna comes from the right place - she's trying to help Matty find happiness in their post-break up world, but she does so for a slightly selfish reason. Yes, she wants Matty to move on and find the contentment she has with Luke.

But there's another layer: Jenna wants to see that Matty is unavailable so she can mask her feelings for him. As a result, Jenna deserves the licking she gets from Matty over giving her "blessing" to him and Eva. 

Matty's right, Jenna's not in a position to give blessings. She really needs to be supportive and honest with him and to go back toward trying to be friends. At this point, there's really no rush or desire to see the two of them back in a relationship with. Matty and Jenna of them have tried it twice before - and they have nothing to show for it. 

Finally, Tamara and Jake have their own set of drama. At this point, it is just another avenue for Tamara to drop more of her slang, but at least they're fighting it out and saying what is really on their minds. Both Jenna and Matty are staying quie  and Matty, the one who really needs to speak up the most, is drowning in destruction. 

Now that Austin and Sadie are broken up, Will Sadie turn her sights towards Eva's destruction?

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Awkward Season 4 Episode 7 Quotes

Playing matchmaker with an ex proves you've gone from Point A to Point Cray.


Eva, you neglected to tell us this place is on the corner of Hep C and Rape.
