Continuum Review: Kiera Chooses

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On Continuum Season 3 Episode 8, Kiera chooses to open her mind and accept all she knew is no longer what should be.

Considering what we learned on Continuum Season 3 Episode 7, it appears as if Kiera's mind is freeing itself from the nudging of the CPS implant and she's learning how to see shades of grey in a world that wants to be black and white.

The opening scene between Kiera and her mother kind of showed that Kiera was a little lost in her world. Even her mother was failing to recognize her and she was begging her to find her way again. She accused Kiera of rebelling against her and said, "It's OK to be wrong, but eventually you gotta own up. You're strong, baby, but that's not everything." 

Kiera had no idea what the implant may do to her. I wonder if she'll ever figure that out.

CAlec (Since he's the only free Alec, he's getting his old name back as of NOW.) is excited about the opportunities at Piron. He's playing with a wristband device that monitor the health of every human being who wears one. The idea of government control is growing at a very rapid pace on Continuum, and he's leading the charge.

For some reason, Alec seems to have really taken to what he and Kiera and he have discussed about her future and the private police. She still hasn't told him that she's starting to question the viability and ethics of a such a scheme. Dillon is gung ho about the possibilities Alec is promising and even installs Piron systems in the office.

The more Kiera learns, however, the less she likes what it all means. When a group of Fermitas executives is executed in their conference room, everyone (Dillon included) wants to immediately point the finger at Liber8. Kiera has had more intimate dealings (and memories) of their leaders and she's doubtful.

With Carlos working on a Sonmanto whistle blower case and Kiera and Dillon teaming up to investigate Fermitas, you'd think the two wouldn't meet. Instead, the whistle blower gives false information to Julian and Carlos; planted to give them immunity from the unthinkable. They staged the Fermitas execution so they could pick up the company for a song after an unsuccessful attempt to buy them out.

Along the way, Carlos turns to Julian, proving that eventually all things should come to pass. Julian is not yet the leader that Liber8 wants him to be. This could be turning many factions of devoted followers to do things he wouldn't approve. Garza makes several appearances this hour, but the two most important are to Kiera to let her know Liber8 is being set up and to Julian to lead him to his rightful place as Theseus.

Betty has been working diligently to get back in Dillon's good graces and she ultimately wins him over. Kiera trusts Betty, wishing she had done so earlier and asks for her help trying to decide just what Dillon knows about the Sonmanto assassination and when. The most telling sign is when he barely lifts an eyebrow at the discovery his daughter is trying to join Liber8 from prison. He's showing too many cards.

Asking Betty to step beyond her comfort zone, reaching into the Liber8 online communities for information proves to be her downfall. Where she was once able to fight for what she thought was right on her own terms, her desires to prove her loyalty once more ultimately gets her killed.

Losing Betty so shortly after having decided she has much she can learn from her should throw Kiera, and Carlos, for a loop. The more they see of what is to become the Global Corporate Congress manipulating to further their own prosperity, even going to far as to kill,  the more likely they will be to team up, perhaps work with Liber8 and try to stop Kiera's future from happening.

Little by little people are peeling back layers of the onion to see what's inside. It still stinks. It will be interesting to see how Kiera processes Betty's death. She's a little late to the party, but considering she's actually decades early, hopefully she can atone for her choices then.

Other thoughts:

  • Nothing on dead Kiera in a while. Do you think Carlos might have given her a suitable burial by now?
  • It's high time for Alec and the new regular Alec to have a chat. He needs to be brought into the loop about what his company will mean to the future. He's not an evil person -- I refuse to believe he cannot be saved.
  • Discovering more about Garza should be on the way, similar to what we had with Travis and Sonya. Interesting that we haven't seen either of them lately. Their reconnection with Kiera is something to look forward to.
  • Do we know Curtis' motives? He's obviously working to tarnish Liber8. Is he doing it because he can see that Kiera is softening to their ways?

Your turn! Let me know what you think about the way Continuum is progressing and be sure to watch Continuum online to catch up to the latest and greatest!

Were you surprised that Betty died so soon after regaining trust?

So Do Our Minutes Hasten Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Continuum Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

Kiera: This is serious.
Samantha: I agree. You're not the only one who gets to take a leap for what she believes in. People should have the freedom to move, to think for themselves, to chase ridiculous dreams if that's what they want. ARREST ME!
Kiera: She's done nothing wrong.
CPS: She's here, isn't she?
Samantha: Kiera, you wanna be become this? Be rebellious in another way.
Kiera: I am not rebelling.
Samantha: Against me darlin'? Oh yes. Yes you are. It's OK to be wrong, but eventually you gotta own up. You're strong, baby, but that's not everything. I love you!

Kiera: Mom? What are you doing here?
Samantha: Standing up for something.