Elementary Review: A Game of Cat and Mouse

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When Sherlock discovers that Mycroft has been framed for murder, he also discovers the truth about Myrcoft's involvement in the MI6.

In what was a game of cat and mouse, Joan and Sherlock discovered that Mycroft's handler was the mole inside MI6. Just as it seemed Mycroft's name had been cleared, he made the ultimate sacrifice to protect the ones he loved. 

On Elementary Season 2 Episode 24, Joan sticks to her decision to move out of the Brownstone while Sherlock makes one of his own that will surely effect how Elementary Season 3 will begin. 

In what was an emotional season finale of Elementary Season 2, it ended with this figurative fact: Mycroft Holmes is dead. Though he lives, he can longer live as a Holmes, but as someone who is invisible.  

Just as Sherlock and Mycroft make amends, Myrcoft leaves his brother for good by making the ultimate sacrifice for his safety. It was a heroic way to go out.

The most emotional part of this finale, which is what made it so great, was that Sherlock finally learned the truth about his brother. After all of this time, Mycroft wasn't the lazy and weak man he always believed him to be. Even when his sibling owed him nothing, he gave Sherlock everything. 

As I cried at their goodbye, I found it beautiful. In their short time together as reunited brothers, they were be able to live the rest of their lives knowing they both had come to respect one another. As Mycroft stated that the past year with his brother had been a gift, I was heartbroken that Sherlock just couldn't fix it for him. 

We all bid farewell to Mycroft.  

Elsewhere, Joan and Sherlock tried to work together, even with their budding tension. At times, Sherlock was bitter she wanted to move out and with a flip of a switch he was desperate to keep her with him. He doesn't want to lose her; Joan has been there all of his sobriety. She isn't just his roommate, his companion or his partner - Joan is a part of him. 

As the past two seasons have gone by, Sherlock has evolved tremendously and Joan has been the biggest part of his growth. At first, he was shut off and distant... but eventually opened up. And now he loves her.

Not in the physical way that most leads in a show do, but in the way that Joan is his best half. Their relationship is much more romantic than lust or affection, it's true connection.

[To Joan] When I look back at the last 18 months I often categorize it as a grand experiment. The results which has demonstrated to me, much to my surpass, that I am capable can change. So, I will change... For you. For the sake of our partnership. For the sake of our work. Stay.


Is it selfish of Holmes to plead for Joan to stay? Or is it reasonable? Is Sherlock scared of what he'll do if she goes or is he afraid of being alone? Whatever the reason, I understand and sympathize with him. On the other hand, I also sympathize with Joan. 

[To Sherlock] You have this kind of pull, like gravity. I am so lucky that I fell into your orbit.


The core of Elementary has always been the strong dynamic between Sherlock and Watson - but what will it have when this is broken, as Joan moves into her own place and Sherlock works with MI6? Then there's Sherlock's possible relapse to consider.

Elementary has built a phenomenal series around the chemistry these two have and how organic they are together. Nothing excites me more than to see it turned upside down. The writers are taking this world they've created and shaking it up. There isn't going to be this comfort zone anymore. 

As this season comes to close, we're left to wonder what will in store this coming fall. All I can say is, expect the unexpected. 

Do you believe that Sherlock will relapse during his time with MI6?

The Grand Experiment Review

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Elementary Season 2 Episode 24 Quotes

[To Mycroft] When MI6 asked you to join them, did they tell you that you'd be an asset or just an ass?


[To Mycroft] Don't touch any of the first editions.... Or Watson.
