Person of Interest Season 3 Report Card: Grade It!

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The world of Person of Interest is only looking to get bigger.

The new chapter to the series may have had a slow build at its outset... but the addition of Root and Shaw to the team, Carter’s death, the further rise of Vigilance and Decima and the looming threat from the new machine Samaritan provided the story and its characters with plenty of intense action-packed moments, some great drama and those clever last minute twists.

It’s time to rundown the latest TV Fanatic Report Card to see how Person of Interest Season 3 fared...

Reese Returns

Best episode: Person of Interest Season 3 Episode 10 took the aftermath of Carter's death to another level. This hour provided fantastic flashbacks for the core characters, while reflecting on the dramatic turn of events. There was a raw intensity to Reese we hadn’t really seen before, and the team seemed to have fallen apart. This was a great mid-way point for the season (written by series creator Jonathan Nolan) and ended not only with Simmons arrested, but a killer twist with Elias finishing him off.

Worst episode: The 911 operator themed Person of Interest Season 3 Episode 15 was unfortunately a bland and uninteresting hour for the series. This definitely felt like filler material that lacked the energetic spark we so often get to see, and even the mysterious caller just wasn’t engrossing or menacing. Guess you can’t win them all.

Best character: While I’m a big Reese fan (and frankly, the quality of writing has made all the characters worthy contenders), I’m going to give best character to Shaw. She came in pretty much as a female Reese, but over the course of the season has grown from the unemotional, uber-violence based killer. She’s got heart, showed extreme care and loyalty from the original hired gun she was. She’s got her own great one-liners and action scenes, and Shaw’s really established herself as one of the team. It’s nice to see a worthy Wonder Woman added to the POI super friends.

Worst character: I couldn’t really think of one right away, but I’ll give worst character to the “voice” on the phone in Person of Interest Season 3 Episode 15. It’s a lot tougher to convey a presence without viewers getting to see, so that voice (and the dialogue) really have to make an impact. Ultimately it was just a typical “bad guy” of the week without any real payoff. It seemed far too campy for the show and I’d be OK if that was the voice’s final call.

Biggest shock: Person of Interest has had a lot of surprises, but to kill off one of the main cast? Carter had grown by leaps and bounds since Person of Interest Season 1 Episode 1, became a real character with heart, drive and purpose that was more than just the “cop character,” and garnered a solid relationship with the POI team. On top of that, she managed to use her skills and take down HR, a threat that had been around since Person of Interest Season 1.

Her death was a major shock, done in the middle of the season in Person of Interest Season 3 Episode 9, and carried huge weight in terms of where the team and story progressed. She was a character to care about and will be missed.

Hopes for Season 4: I’m really looking forward to seeing the POI team try and adapt to lives on the run, as “normal” people, and still maybe finding time to save a person of interest and eventually take down Samaritan.

I hope we further explore Decima, but also maybe bring back some old characters such as Elias or even Leon. I’d also love for Fusco to get an arc that gives him either some more backstory or more to do. He’s great when he pops up here and there, but it’d be nice to give him some front and center screen time.

Really, I love that the world of Person of Interest has continued to grow and the way the series is headed, I’m just excited to dive right back into it.

Overall Grade: A

Your turn, TV Fanatics! What would you grade Person of Interest Season 3?

Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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Knowledge is not my problem. Doing something with that knowledge is where you come in. You can call me Mr. Finch.


When you find that one person who connects you to the world, you become someone different, someone better. When that person is taken from you, what do you become then?
