Chasing Life Review: Chemo Found Her

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If I could go back and do it all over again...

How many times have you wished that very thing? April was feeling it for many reasons, but her decision to hide her illness from Dominic was chief among them.

On Chasing Life Season 1 Episode 10, not only did April enter the hospital for 30 days worth of chemo treatment, she panicked at the thought of what she was experiencing and turned to Leo for comfort and newly returned Dominic realized he wasn't the man she wanted to turn to in times of trouble.


Chasing Life has been as much about April's romantic life as it has been about her cancer. That's kind of what she wanted, after all, when she decided to chase after life. 

Learning she had cancer on the day of her first date with Dominic essentially set them up for disaster. As anyone would, she read the cues from outside sources about what might scare him off and took the safe bet. Unfortunately for April, she didn't read the later signs that showed he was someone who could be trusted and that he really cared for her.

Through her cancer support group and a work assignment, she got closer and closer to Leo Hendrie and the two forged a genuine connection despite their disease. I don't think either have them have really accepted yet just what they mean to each other; well, perhaps Leo has finally caught on.

Dominic told April if she had given him the chance, he would have been that guy -- the one she would call when she needed someone and he would have always been there. April just never gave him that chance. 

April did give Leo the benefit of the doubt, and told him truths he didn't even want to hear -- like she couldn't see him any longer if he didn't value life as much as she did, being willing to do absolutely anything to stay alive.

So what happened with Leo's parents at the hospital, the voice mail from Leo? I'm guessing he's not ready to die any longer and is going to undergo the surgery that could either save him or kill him. That's what someone like Leo, who gave such a moving speech to April about her destiny to live, would choose to do when faced with someone like her.

Elsewhere this week, we learned George and Sara had a thing before she married her husband. Kissing has brought up a lot of memories for George and he would be lying if he didn't tell her. Bring on Uncle-Step-Dad!

Things I loved:

  • That people were allowed to spend the night with April in the hopital. I hope that's true.
  • April's worry that Leo would die before she got out of the hospital. Heartbreaking.
  • Leo's talk about knowing from the moment he met April that she would survive.
  • April's dream sequences, especially with Jackson, the carrot man and her dad.
  • Sara telling Greer's parents what a wonderful woman Brenna will be.

If you haven't watched this terrific journey through a young woman's diagnosis of cancer, you can watch Chasing Life online via TV Fanatic. I hope you'll stick around and comment on how you're feeling this far through.

Why were Leo's parents at the hospital?

Finding Chemo Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Chasing Life Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

What happens in the funeral home stays in the funeral home.


Beth: I wish you had lymphoma instead.
April: Right, or at least gall bladder cancer.
Brenna: Rectal would be nice.