Person of Interest Season 4 Episode 2 Review: Nautilus

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For a show that seems so focused on technology, machines and artificial intelligence, Person of Interest also really expresses the importance of human emotion, choices and perseverance.

Because that’s what really makes the series stand out, especially when it comes to its characters whether they make good decisions or bad ones. It’s what makes us entertained and invested in seeing Reese, Finch, Shaw and company fight Samaritan and do whatever they can to help others.

And sometimes they can’t “save” someone no matter how hard they try, because in the end, even with precise calculations and computer assistance, a person will be the one to make their own choices.

I really liked that Person of Interest Season 4 Episode 2 was willing to keep going along the darker route for the show (there are still glimmers of hope with the POI team, that’s for sure), but the ending of each hour isn’t quite the happy ending we all wish it could necessarily be.

Taking a computer whiz searching for a meaning that gives her focus, no matter how dangerous or misguided, was the type of push to get Finch back into action.

Sure, he was reluctant to help, getting tricked by Reese, but that itch of helping out just needed to be scratched.

So while the hour was heavily influential in Finch coming back to work full-time in the super awesome brand new Batcave revealed in the last scene, it was great to see everyone participate in their own ways.

No one was left out, not even Fusco, who managed to crack part of the code himself. Never count Fusco out.

Reese was allowed to be his kick ass self (doing his own little code breaking on the side) and Shaw was able to provide her own special set of skills and dry one-liners. When she asks for a latte, you make her one!

The team works so well, though it is funny how Root pops in here and there from doing whatever crazy thing she’s doing by herself to provide her own words of wisdom or backup help. It was interesting to see her reiterate the whole aspect of human choice.

Because in the end, even with Finch pretty much pleading to help whiz Claire, she left the POI team behind putting her fate in the hands of Samaritan. She made that choice, and for her, Samaritan delivered.

It’s crazy to think that not only is Samaritan hunting the POI team, but it’s bringing down competition and recruiting its own assets.

How long can Greer and Decima keep Samaritan on a leash before it breaks free?

There was something tragic in Finch not being able to guide Claire to their side, but it was good to see the show not pull back. And I loved that Finch acknowledged that he believes there is meaning as well.

Because that’s his choice, and no matter how dark and dangerous the POI journey seems to be headed down, it’s one where the team will keep fighting to make themselves relevant and risking everything to prevent the world they know from vanishing.

Only the second episode of Person of Interest Season 4, and with some fantastic scenic shots of New York, of course, the great cast and intriguing new direction for the story, things are already off to a positive start.

Are you glad Finch is back? Will we see Claire again? Get into the latest installment when you watch Person of Interest online.

Nautilus Review

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Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 (212 Votes)

Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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Person of Interest Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

Sometimes you forget I was an international spy.


Go cow or go home.
