Ray Donovan Season 2 Episode 11 Review: Rodef

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The Donovan Boys had a very bad night.

On Ray Donovan Season 2 Episode 11 things went from bad to worse in fairly short order, even leaving one poor bastard dead just a little before his time. Two Donovan boys are on their way to jail and Mickey walks free. Oh the irony.

While the Ray Donovan roller coaster has had plenty of ups and downs all season, this week the cars finally flew off the track.

With only one episode to go they're making it pretty clear things will not be wrapped up with all these storylines before we reach Ray Donovan Season 3. It would be impossible.

I really don't want to be recappy when I talk about the hour, but it was an hour of action, not contemplation. Did anyone stop for a second to think about what they were doing before actually moving forward? Alright, maybe Jim. One single person.

With Kate sniffing around, Ezra is in a panic. He pulls out the traditional Jewish law "rodef" to try to talk Ray into killing her. The idea is if someone is actively pursuing another party to kill them, bystanders have an obligation to kill that person before they kill the innocent (essentially).

Yes, things are dire, but Ray doesn't want Kate killed. He has something on Cochran and something on Ezra (we know where the priest is buried now!) to keep her safe. "She's only doing her job," Ray keeps reminding people. When Ezra loses faith in Ray, he goes to Avi.

Hopefully Avi has been paying more attention to his Judaism than Ezra, because Kate, while trying to get to the truth, is not trying to kill anyone. Killing her is not a rodef situation. It's a cover your ass so you're not found out situation which is not covered under Jewish law.

Ray has the video Cookie wanted from the night of the murder, but it's more than a little incriminating for Ray and Bridget. That video is now in the trunk of his car with a bag of cash. Since he was arrested only for assaulting Mickey, do the police have any reason to check his car? If it goes to the impound, will someone get their hands on that evidence?

Not one thing about Mickey's brilliant heist went according to plan. Ronald turned on them and Terry is likely in custody -- unless Boris had a second set of keys and they walked. 

Even before actually being arrested, Ray was already making plans to be locked up. He's giving away property and paying lump sums to Lena and Avi. It's almost as if he is ready to pay for his crimes so he can put it all behind him. He could very easily take care of Kate, but that's not what he wants. Is this his shortcut to redemption? Nah.

Abby didn't get what she wanted from Jim. I guess he just couldn't be the man she needed. She should then be happy to learn that Ray was punching his father and being the man, right? If Cookie did see Bridget and Ray didn't show up at the meet with the video, Abby may be one smart woman for keeping her finger on the gun.

I really I had more insight for you here. For me, this was an episode setting up the finale. There was a lot happening in really short order. We've never revisited poor Bunchy after his nightmarish date. Kate may disturb many demons, or she could be killed. Neither of which seems a good alternative.

The Donovans can't keep brushing up against the criminal element and come out on top every time. Something (or someone) has to give. Will that person be Terry this time around? Do you have any thoughts on what may be coming for the family? Hit the comments!

Rodef Review

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Carissa Pavlica is the managing editor and a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She's a member of the Critic's Choice Association, enjoys mentoring writers, conversing with cats, and passionately discussing the nuances of television and film with anyone who will listen. Follow her on X and email her here at TV Fanatic.

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Ray Donovan Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

You buried a Catholic priest at a Jewish hospital?


Abby's boyfriend just pulled over Cooke Brown and let him go.
