Modern Family Season 6 Episode 5 Review: Won't You Be Our Neighbor

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Talk about the perfect examples of what happens when Claire Dunphy has a little too much wine. Enter Modern Family Season 6 Episode 5.

Claire can get a tad aggressive. But it's not just her, Phil can be quite the eager beaver himself.

The Dunphy's neighbors got divorced and the husband was kind enough to give Phil the listing. Claire was just really excited at the prospect of picking their new neighbors. 

I'm kind of in a delicate spot stuck between my wife and the guy next door, but I'm pretty sure I can satisfy them both simultaneously.


See that quote above? That's what got the Dunphys in trouble. The sexual innuendos they don't even realize they are making!

Phil and Claire find the perfect neighbor candidates, but a loud, obnoxious, trashy family sweeps in right after and offers a higher bid. The patriarch is played by guest star Steve Zahn. Determined not to get stuck with the bad neighbors, Claire and Phil host the first couple over and bust out a couple bottles of white wine.

Cue some inappropriate remarks and them coming on too strong. The worst part is that they didn't even realize it! The next day the first couple promptly withdrew their offer.

Oh relax, I'm sure you guys will find a couple that wants to get with you.


And they did...their new neighbors. Ha!

Manny was doing well in the romance department for once, but Jay was determined to put a stop to it when he realized it was his work rival's granddaughter. Gloria doesn't take crap from anyone so she is quick to set up surprise dinner where hopefully the two could work it out. If Earl telling Jay that he slept with his ex-wife was any indication of their meeting, I'd say it didn't go very well.

Earl: I banged your ex wife!
Jay: If you banged Dede, I DO owe you an apology!

Although there is the minor fact that Jay pretty much can't stand his ex wife and was probably laughing. Worst of all was that when Earl finally did go to apologize, he laughed at Manny. I hate when people do that although Manny asking if his sandals made his legs look thick was kind of setting himself up. Let's be honest!

You're going to want to watch Modern Family online if you want to see Lily thoroughly embarrass her parents. They found out that the fun second grade teacher had an opening in her class and quickly went to snag it for Lily, making for an awkward situation with her current hard-ass of a teacher.

Turns out they should've checked with Lily because she likes having the teacher who actually teaches. Her friend from the other class thought blue and yellow mixed together made blellow. Case closed!

Won't You Be Our Neighbor Review

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Modern Family Season 6 Episode 5 Quotes

Oh relax, I'm sure you guys will find a couple that wants to get with you.


Not since I fell off the roof while they were delivering our trampoline have things come together so beautifully.
