Black Sails Season 2 Episode 5 Review: XIII

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That certainly was one powerful hour of television!

Black Sails Season 2 Episode 5 delivered an interesting twist I admit I didn't see coming. Especially, since I don't think I paid enough attention to the Flint/Hamilton backstory last season.

The fort was attacked yet not utterly destroyed, and Vane decided killing Flint was his best option.

While I was expecting this week to pick up right where we left off – after Flint yelled, "Fire!" – I'm certainly not going to complain about that steamy intro. Anne should have realized in a three way there's always the possibility a connection might develop between the other two partners; guess that moment was her realization and she didn't like it one tiny bit.

Rackham spent most of the episode preparing his crew and flag. Branding was important even in those days mateys! He's far too accommodating when it comes to the new crew's demands. Do you think Flint would have chosen between Anne and Max? I seriously doubt it. 

The attack on the fort turned out to be a slight disappointment. That's fine, because the events taking place around it were far more fascinating.

Throughout the installment I kept wondering what exactly Miranda knew that would save Flint from himself. It had to be something huge right? The flashbacks finished filling in the blanks and I finally felt like I understood their story better.

Speaking of stories, were you as surprised as I was how straightforward Silver was with Billy?

Billy: Flint killed him?
Silver: Yes.
Billy: And he's still captain? How?
Silver: Well after a brief interlude, the men saw what I am hoping you will see. That with the gold still sitting on that beach, he represents our best, perhaps our only chance of retrieving it.

I think releasing Billy Bones is going to come back to bite Silver in the arse. It's not like he had many options and had to let him go at some point.

Vane was noticeably absent this week, though we did check in with him long enough to learn he was alive. His prize was in good shape as well. It made complete sense to me that he would attempt to take Flint out. I can't believe that's where they left us hanging.

Eleanor met with her father, and he confessed he didn't look after her as he should have. He showed a softer side by telling her how proud he was of everything she accomplished on the island. It truly is an accomplishment if you think about it; how pirates like Flint and Vane respect her. Though she doesn't need daddy's approval this late in the game, she seemed pleased to hear his praise.

Anyway, let's discuss the flashbacks because that's really where the meat and potatoes of this episode lie.

Flint returned from three months in Nassau with news the pirates had revolted against the governor killing his wife and son; vicious. Hamilton was still convinced his plan for the island would work. However, it was Miranda who knew Flint was headed down a dangerous path. She understood that Hamilton Sr. would exploit the affair and ruin them all, crushing the plans for Nassau in the process.

It was incredible watching the way things went down and heartbreaking when Flint was discharged.

You are summarily discharged from service. No charges will be drawn against you provided you leave London quietly and are neither seen nor heard from again.

Admiral Hennessey

At that point, I felt I understood Flint's actions better than ever. He had nothing to lose; why the hell not leave London and start a life with Miranda in Nassau right? After all, they had Thomas' blessing as well. He wanted the two of them to care for each other.

Still, I don't remember hearing that Thomas had been committed to an insane asylum due to the affair. Did that come up last season? For some reason, I seem to remember Flint killing his friend. Can someone clear all this up for me? I need to watch Black Sails Season 1 again.

Eventually, Miranda and Flint appeared at Eleanor's place and she cleared the room in an instant. Forget daddy, it's just plain impressive the power she has over those pirates.

When Miranda informed Flint that Captain Vane swiped a valuable prize from Low, I knew where her plan was going. It was brilliant wasn't it? Flint would return Peter's daughter back to him unharmed and the man would feel indebted enough to support Flint/Hamilton's vision for Nassau.

Or course, it wasn't going to be that easy.

Flint: Peter Ashe isn't the man that you remember. Six months ago, he hanged four men in his harbor for possession of pirated goods. This is not a man that we can negotiate with. That I, can negotiate with.
Miranda: Of course you can, because you will just have presented him with his only daughter. Safe and unharmed and without conditions.

As I mentioned at the top, I never imagined the affair between Flint, Miranda and Thomasir was a three way thing. Thinking back, that opening sequence set it up rather nicely, didn't it? Only Miranda was much more supportive of Flint's and Thomas' love that Anne would ever be in her situation.

I was surprised Miranda thought Flint was ashamed, and that part of him believed he deserved the heartache that followed. He confessed the only thing he was ashamed of was not doing something to save Thomas. He was full of anger remembering how he listened to her instead. There's definitely resentment there; perhaps he can let go of the guilt and baggage he's been carrying after this conversation with her.

Of course, that's if he survives Captain Vane's attack. The transition from a quiet moment between Flint and Hamilton to Vane attacking made me jump. It was perfect timing, they got me good. Why can't this be Netflix so we can just continue with the next installment?

The writing this season has surpassed anything attempted last year. It's no wonder the show's been picked up for Black Sails Season 3 already. The finale must be outstanding. I can't wait to see how things play out over the next few weeks.

Well, what did you think of this week's installment? Did you have any clue Flint fell in love with Thomas? Was Miranda's reaction surprising to you?  You're up my fellow Black Sails fans, go ahead and hit the comments below and share your thoughts on tonight's show.

As always, remember you can watch Black Sails online any time via TV Fanatic if you ever miss an installment.

NOTE: Black Sails Season 2 Episode 6 is titled "XIV" and airs on Saturday, February 28.

XIII Review

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Black Sails Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Billy: Flint killed him?
Silver: Yes.
Billy: And he's still captain? How?
Silver: Well after a brief interlude, the men saw what I am hoping you will see. That with the gold still sitting on that beach, he represents our best, perhaps our only chance of retrieving it.

You are summarily discharged from service. No charges will be drawn against you provided you leave London quietly and are neither seen nor heard from again.

Admiral Hennessey