The Originals Season 2 Episode 14 Review: I Love You, Goodbye

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Weddings are supposed to be happy occasions and despite the tension surrounding this one, Jackson and Hayley's nuptials actually played out well on The Originals Season 2 Episode 14.

While Hayley seemed sure in her decision, even more so this week than ever, you never quite know what to expect with Klaus and Elijah.

One brother is completely in love with Hayley, but has never truly voiced it. The other is someone who trusts nobody, is always on the defensive, and could snap a neck at any moment. Thank goodness this ceremony did not include the part that asked if anyone saw a reason the two should not be wed! 

While Klaus was protective of the union and defensive of Hayley, we know that 98% of the time Klaus does something to serve himself. Learning that he wanted to kill off Jackson earned him another eyeroll in my book. Klaus, you darling villain, can we not find something more interesting to do at this point? 

Thankfully, despite Elijah's obvious pain, he won't allow anything to derail Hayley's happiness. Let's face it, Elijah wouldn't exactly be upset to see Jackson disappear, but he won't do anything if it means upsetting Hayley. 

So long as Jackson brings even an inkling of joy into Hayley's life, you are not to go near him.

Elijah [to Klaus]

This was quite the 180 from earlier in the episode when Elijah wanted to tell Hayley he loved her right before she was set to walk down the aisle. For a vampire with many unlimited abilities, his timing sucks. I was a bit surprised at how strongly Hayley made her stance. I thought she loved Elijah, too. I guess, at this point, she's had a lot of time to think about both men and what's best for her.

Don't. Don't say it. Ever since the first day that I met you, I have felt everything for you. And all this time you were never able to say how you feel about me and I get it. You can't just be the guy who says how he feels. But Jackson is. And I think that I could be happy with him. And I just want to be happy Elijah. So whatever you're gonna say to me, please don't say it.

Hayley [to Elijah]

Personally, I like both Jackson and Elijah but, most of all, I enjoyed learning a little bit more about Hayley tonight. I never knew that nobody had said "I love you" to her. There's something that Hayley is seeking in her life that Jackson can provide. Both men do love her and strive to protect her, but Hayley seems to want the one who is more outward about it. Plus, she's all for uniting the packs.

Maybe Klaus drilling into her that she needs to be strong as a queen has had a hand in forming Hayley's current frame of mind. Whatever it is, I'm finding that I enjoy this version of her. The pack also seems to have had a good time at the wedding and a good reaction to meeting Hope.

I'm wondering how Marcel recognized the new version of Rebekah. Did she represent someone else in his life before Rebekah body jumped? Sorry, but I really miss Claire Holt. It just feels weird after knowing that version of Rebekah. It's different because we never had time to form attachments to Kol and definitely not to Finn!

Well, it looks like Yusuf Gatewood is maintaining that series regular status. Unfortunately we said goodbye to Koleb tonight, who was easily becoming a fan favorite. We already lost Daniel Sharman on Teen Wolf, did we have to lose him here, too?! Poor Davina.

Kol: I think I want to be alone for this bit.
Elijah: I'm afraid that's not an option.
Klaus: Always and forever is not just something you weasel out of, brother.

While Hayley and Jackson think they are off to a good start in their marriage along with their pack of super-wolves, they have no idea that Dahlia is coming. I'm assuming that Dahlia is to be the next big bad of the show. I guess we'll find out when The Originals returns March 9th!

In the meantime, watch The Originals online right her at TV Fanatic to catch up at any time!

NOTE: The Originals Season 2 Episode 15 will be titled "They All Asked for You" and not air until Monday, March 2.

I Love You, Goodbye Review

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