American Idol: The Top 11 Perform!

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In what might be the most confusing round of competition so far, the American Idol Season 14 Top 12 are taking the stage once again for another round of singing.

Last night they were revealed and tonight they're actually performing? 

Tonight, one contestant will find him or herself on the chopping block and hoping for the judges' save. This is weird. Didn't we just do this last night?

American Idol 11

Tonight's theme is "Let's Get This Party Started." And this is NOT a results show. But someone WILL be going home. They're also channeling some of The Voice by playing games with the chairs. They're all red until Ryan calls their name. Then the chair will turn green. 

Rayvon Owen is the first one to hear his name and Scott Borchetta thinks he's just going through the motions and needs to step up. He's chosen "Burn" by Ellie Goulding and we're getting a whooooole lot of time wasted tonight to fill this two hour slot. This isn't Rayvon's best vocal. He's capable of doing some neat things to the arrangement and changes just enough, but I'm unimpressed with his vocals for the most part. 

Keith calls it a killer song choice and says this is his best performance. Jennifer said it was better than she thought it would be. Harry called it strong but says he's doing the same thing every time and he needs to change it up. 7/10

Ohhhhh....last night wasn't Live. Tonight is. That explains how they were able to get Jax' piano on and off that stage so quickly last night.

The next singer through is Maddie Walker. She is fringed out to the max tonight. Scott calls her a future country siren. She's picked "She's Country" by Jason Aldean to bring the country-rock vibe to the night. She starts the song totally off key and never recovers. It just sounds like karaoke and she has no idea how to work a stage. Plus she has perpetual Deer In Headlights face. 

Jennifer says she did a great job and loves Maddie's attitude. Harry says she can sing and tells her to stop imitating other artists. Keith  thought it was a good song choice but says she's getting too overwhelmed by everything else instead of just focusing on singing. 5/10

Joey Cook is safe! She's looking fantastic! She's getting the party started with "Fancy" by Iggy Azalea and there's a bass on the stage. She's totally throwing this back with a 20s vibe. What's great about this performance is that she has so much control. She's seated the entire time but she hits these great notes and just does a fantastic job. She's got to work on her hands when she sings because they can be distracting.

Harry gives her an A+ on the arrangement and her singing but wants her to settle down and understand that she's a star. Keith loves her presence and energy and the way she pulls people in to her performances. Jennifer liked that she picked "Fancy" because it's so popular but wished she'd left just a little melody in it. 10/10

The fourth contestant through is Clark Beckham. He's sitting down behind the piano for "Takin' It To the Streets." Scott Borchetta thinks he's going to have to get out of his comfort zone with song choices just a little bit. (That's terrible advice. Stay in your own lane, Clark.) I love Clark. I love his vocals. They're spot on every single time. I love that he's a total musician with a wide range of instruments in his back pocket. This isn't wowing me. It's just not connecting.

Keith kicks off the commentary by saying it was cool to see Clark play piano and that he can be inspiring. Jennifer thinks feeling his performances has to catch up to his vocals. Harry loves that Clark doesn't perform to the cameras, but this wasn't his favorite. 8/10

Jax​ is up next. She's decided to sing "Blank Space" which is I'm sure not in any way an attempt to win Scott Borchetta over. She makes some stylistic choices with the arrangement and plays it up with the audience but this is a very slow and odd performance. This song isn't hard and rock so it doesn't work for me. 

Jennifer acknowledges that Jax has a lot of fans out there but didn't love the arrangement and song choice. Harry says one of her talents is being able to make old songs newer and making new songs different but this one didn't work. Keith thought it was a good choice from a popularity standpoint but that she was always fighting the melody. 6/10

Qaasim Middleton is bringing the party with "Jet." AND he's going to play the guitar. We haven't seen that so this will be interesting. It seems a little low for him in parts so his lyrics get lost, but it's a brave choice. He throws a little reggae vibe into the bridge and struggles to keep himself in one place. This is a kid who needs to move.

Harry starts by putting Qaasim totally on the spot by asking him about the message behind the song and then says the performance didn't match the message of the song. Harry worries he's becoming a one-trick pony. Keith loved it and thought the guitar grounded his vocals. Jennifer thinks he makes every song a party and she's still waiting for Qaasim to just stand and sing. 7/10

The next girl to stick around is Adanna Duru. She's singing "Runaway Baby" by Bruno Mars which might be a challenge for her. She's the weakest vocalist of the girls because she gets herself too lost in her performances but there's a seriously talented girl hiding in there who needs refinement. This is actually pretty good! The song choice is excellent and she looks fantastic. She does get pitchy toward the end though.

Keith says this is why she was a wild card pick. Jennifer said she stayed more in control and that's what she needed to do. Harry gives her credit for her intonation fixes and says this was one of her better performances. 9/10

Tyanna Jones is safe! (Like she would be anything else!) She's channeling her inner Janelle Monae with "Tightrope." Tyanna is PERFECT. She's so effortless on the stage like it's made for her. We're watching the Tyanna Jones show and everyone else is just a backup singer or a warm-up act. Keith and Jennifer both give her a standing ovation.

Jennifer can't even begin her commentary because the audience is going nuts but manages to say that she had goosies from start to finish. Harry tells her to listen very carefully to what he's about to say: he gives her a 10. Keith calls it beautiful and then makes her cry by talking about how humble she is. 10/10

Up next in the Top 11 is Daniel Seavey​. He looks like he's about to freak out when his name is called. He chooses "Happy" to bring the party. He plays and sings and tries not to smile so much. He knows he's getting the tween vote but he wants people to know he's serious about music. It's good, but was it enough? Probably. 

Harry says he spend half an hour the previous night going through Daniel's performances trying to figure him out. Daniel's talented and says this performance felt the most comfortable. Keith thinks he'll be around for another week. Jennifer says it's impossible not to root for him. 9/10

Quentin Alexander gets to sing another week. "Rolling In the Deep" is a party song in New Orleans, apparently, so Quentin's bringing it to Idol. This is a really cool arrangement! I wasn't sold on Quentin when he made it over Savion Wright, but I'm feeling him after his past two performances. He's like Bruno Mars, Lenny Kravitz, and a dash of Prince all in one. His performance was effortless.

Keith loved the arrangement and Quentin's spirituality. Jennifer loves the flavor he brings. Harry says one of Quentin's greatest gifts is to be able to dig deep into a lyric but he thought the interpretation was shallow. 9/10

Spot number 11 goes to Nick Fradiani​. He picked "Wake Me Up" for party week. It's perfect! PERFECT! The opening is fantastic and instantly grabs me. He plays and sings and there's a desperation in his performance that is just...wonderful. There's a hunger there. It's a great arrangement of the song, too. The melody stays the same but the accompaniment is something fresh.

Jennifer starts the judges' commentary by saying there were a couple of moments where he got a little screamy and the song got away from him but he definitely deserves to be here. Harry says it's solid and wants Nick to crack open and show his emotions. Keith thinks being separated from a band is holding Nick back. 9/10

Sarina-Joi Crowe, four-time auditioner, will sing for the save. It's unlikely that she'll get it because it's the first week of competition. Her party anthem is "Neon Lights" by Demi Lovato and she doesn't get a video intro. She's clearly nervous and emotional but she does her best to go out on a high note. It's not enough to save her. Jennifer breaks the news that they aren't using the save.


Maddie Walker should be the one to leave based on tonight's performances. Sick or not, she's the weak link in the competition.

American Idol will be back next Thursday night and the Top 10 will perform, so we'll find out who goes home then!


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Miranda Wicker was a Staff Writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in 2017. Follow her on Twitter.

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