Justified Season 6 Episode 7 Review: The Hunt

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Raylan and Winona. Boyd and Ava. Avery and Katherine.

A good majority of the main characters on Justified have some type of romantic relationship. But will those succeed by the time the series ends or will that love bring about their downfall?

I highly doubt that Justified will find a happy ending for all its characters, and many seem to be dropping like flies.

As of Justified Season 6 Episode 7, it seems as if everything is going in Raylan’s favor. Aside from getting to see his super cute child in person, Winona offered him the chance to be the lawman that he is and get to be with her and the child.

She didn’t want to take away from everything, but she still wanted to be with him and raise the child. Their chemistry is fantastic, and it was great to see them working together in such a positive way, even if the baby was cranky.

And it was rather humorous to see Raylan taking the baby everywhere with him, including the office. Again, we got some great interactions with Tim and Raylan, but that’s been consistent this season.

I’ve also got to hand it to Raylan for doing a pretty well at sticking around and not just rushing back. Though his excuse for getting out of the hunt for Ty was funny, as well. Rachel really does a good job of putting up with him.

I can certainly see both Avery and Katherine eventually trying to kill each other, and they are the couple I think are least likely to survive.

It was such a great conversation between Avery and Art to instill that level of doubt. Plus, the way the two talked almost in hypotheticals – but really understanding the truth behind the words – gave the scene a certain intensity.

Maybe Avery should worry about his own men, as well. Ty’s on the lamb (who really can go from a moment where you feel sorry for the guy right back to super dangerous and scary) and Avery just paid off his buddy with a big stack of cash. I wouldn’t be surprised if Ty comes back for Avery.

After all, he killed the EMT guys just because he was having a bad day.

Though, the relationship I’m most curious about is Boyd and Ava, especially now that everything seems to be out in the open.

There was such a level of tension as the two decided to go out to the cabin for some hunting (that just sounded like a bad idea), and the way he spoke about betrayal and her looks of fear escalated everything.

I really thought he might kill her.

Instead, he gave her a gun and told her to pull the trigger (even though he was clever enough not to put in bullets), and I think he thinks he has pulled Ava back to his side.

At the same time, I feel like Ava is pretty sincere in her feelings for Boyd, but the whole situation of spying on him, fearing he might find out, may have really put a damper on it all.

The cinematography was fantastic for their scenes from the lighting in the cabin to the spinning camera outside. You really felt glued into the moment between the two.

But, now the ball is definitely back in Boyd’s hands. He has a level up on Raylan with Ava, but can he really trust her now?

I love that, even now, I’m still not quite whether those two will ride off into the sunset together.

This episode took more of a break from the action and the hunt, putting the characters back front and center. And Justified has excelled with its characters. It’ll definitely be sad to see them all go, but this season is really making a memorable last stand.

Are you surprised Boyd didn't kill Ava? Will Ty come back for Avery? Sound off below, and keep up with the final season when you watch Justified online.

The Hunt Review

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Rating: 5.0 / 5.0 (13 Votes)

Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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Justified Season 6 Episode 7 Quotes

It's been such a day.


You've been lying to me, Ava.
