NCIS: Los Angeles Season 6 Episode 18 Review: Fighting Shadows

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After spending an entire hour believing that the truth was finally going to be out in the open about the office romance Deeks and Kensi have been involved in, NCIS: Los Angeles Season 6 Episode 18 proved me partially right. 

The mysterious woman taking pictures, Hetty splitting the dynamic duo up, and so forth, weren't simply because of an office relationship that Hetty was trying to uncover – there turned out to be a lot more to the allure. 

An Explosion - NCIS: Los Angeles

What could the LAPD possibly want with Deeks? Maybe I'm missing something, so feel free to leave a comment down below as to what Deeks may be hiding, because I'm pretty lost following this episode. 

Even though it would've been predictable, I think I might have preferred a straightforward hour about office relationships with Kensi and Deeks coming clean. At least then, I wouldn't be so confused!

From Deeks' and Kensi's awkwardly hilarious workout together in the morning, to the change up in partners during the case – which lead to Sam's reveal that the entire office knows about their relationship – I just assumed that Detective Jacquelyn and anything else tangential to the main plot had something to do with sorting out the inner-office romance. 

But now it's internal affairs? The LAPD? 

Who could possibly have anything prove by going after poor Deeks? 

I'm a lean mean sex machine -- or at least that's what my lady bird says.


The episode also managed to mislead the viewers with the main case itself. Shah's initial tale of the FBI's methods was rooted in enough truth and believability that even Sam and Callen thought that he was truly trying to "educate" us on the corruption and immorality that exists in the US government.

The notion that government agencies like the FBI almost manipulate these young men that they run sting operations on isn't that far removed from the truth. 

Shah is at least right in that they should be helping confused, and troubled, young adults rather than urging them towards the abyss.

It's like finding a supervillain's bucket list.


However, things weren't as they seemed, and Shah eventually broke down and let his insecurities peek through. He held a lot of self-hatred and guilt for allowing his nephew to go so wayward, and rather than accept that responsibility, he lashed out to rationalize the experience. 

It's a good thing Sam was allowed to do his job instead of snipers and a disheveled Conway taking over. Those two brothers would've joined the ranks of thousands of other young adults almost brainwashed into "sacrificing" their lives in that way. 

Give Sam time to do his job.


The takeaway seems to be that we can often create the monsters we're trying to deal with – that sacrificing your own morality and ethics will often only perpetuate the already seemingly never ending cycle of violence and hatred. 

When we try to justify our own actions retrospectively, or in a generalized manner that doesn't take context into account, we end up on the wrong side of the law.

And, I mean, if the government is on the wrong side of the law, then we're kind of in trouble, aren't we? 

You did all the work, I just followed your plan.


Watch NCIS: Los Angeles online to relive any of the intense moments during tonight's episode, or just to try and figure out what that whole "mysterious Detective going after Deeks" thing is all about.

Also, make sure to head over to NCIS: Los Angeles quotes for more highlights from the entertaining hour. 

As always, make sure to leave your feedback down below!

Fighting Shadows Review

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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 6 Episode 18 Quotes

Deeks: Who else knows?
Callen: Sam, Nell, Hetty of course, Eric took a little while.

I'm a lean mean sex machine -- or at least that's what my lady bird says.
