The Good Wife Round Table: Election Day!

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It was Election day on The Good Wife Season 6 Episode 16 - and Alicia won! 

Elsewhere, Kalinda got in deeper with Lemond Bishop and Diane shot her first deer.

Below, TV Fanatic Christine Orlando is joined by The Good Wife fans from Twitter: @SarahLHW, @Donnamour1969 and @SambaJulianna. Join them to discuss Alicia’s future, the departure of Johnny Elfma, Kurt and Diane’s Wyoming adventure and more...

Did you want Alicia to win the election?

@SarahLHW:  NO! I'm still in denial about it. I was really hoping that she wouldn't win because there are so many factors that will change and so many more questions that are opening up. What will happen to Florrick, Agos and Lockhart? Where will she stand with all the clients that the firm is losing because she's leaving? What about her kids? Who will be her anchor now that she doesn't have Diane or Cary or Kalinda? It didn't really make sense to me when she won. It almost feels like she's giving up everything she's worked for the past six years.

@Donnamour1969: Yes! Otherwise, this whole election thing would have had a serious anticlimax.  

@SambaJulianna:  I've always wanted her to win. I felt proud she managed to go through this all by herself. It’s exciting to see what is to come next now that she has both jobs to deal with, since Chicago allows you to work on both. Sounds challenging and mad. It's good to see a new step in her journey, Alicia has a new challenge now and I'm excited to see what's coming.

Christine: I’ve found the campaign intriguing but I’ve missed having Alicia work with the law firm so I have mixed feelings about her winning the election. 

It appears that Johnny Elfman is leaving and Finn is seeing someone else. Are you disappointed?

@SarahLHW: If this is the last we see of Johnny, I'm not upset. I think the way he left was poetic. The fact that he told Marissa to watch out for her showed that he really cared about her. If THAT was his exit then I liked it more than Will's exit and that's all I'll say. As for Finn, I don't think that him "seeing someone else" means anything at this point. I think he has feelings for Alicia despite saying that he doesn't. I think we will see some sparks fly between them. 

@Donnamour1969: I am disappointed about Elfman, but still have high hopes for Finn. I love how gentle and kind Finn is – the perfect foil for Peter.

@SambaJulianna: Everything about Alicia and Johnny was weird on this episode. I felt there was no closure. I’m not convinced Johnny left for good. Finn is just a replacement to me, every time someone important to Alicia goes away (or dies) he comes like a stand in and I think it's disrespectful to the actor and the character. I'm 99% sure that Nancy Crozier is the woman Finn's hooking up with. They would look so cute together and I admit that I can ship them. 

Christine: Yes, if only because her flirtation with Elfman now feels like a waste of time. I don’t need Alicia to have a love life but why continually tease us with something if it’s never going to happen. 

Do you think Peter knew what he was doing when he gave that interview?

@SarahLHW: Absolutely. Peter has been in this business long enough to know what to do when you want to win. I think he had good intentions though. I think he truly did not want Alicia to win because he knows what the job will do to her and he knows how much she sacrificed for her firm. So I don't disagree with what he did. 

@Donnamour1969: Of course he knew. He's too experienced a politician not to have known.  He was being petty and getting back at Alicia for her race comments with regard to him. I'm glad he made it up to her in the end though.

@SambaJulianna: Of course he knew; Peter knows what to do and when. He just didn't expect Alicia to get that one so fast.

Christine: Absolutely. Peter’s a smart politician who is adept at the art of manipulation. He knew exactly what he was doing, he just ended up feeling a bit guilty for it later. 

What was your favorite part of Kurt's and Diane’s hunting trip?

@SarahLHW: All of it. I think it was interesting to see a democrat socialize with all republicans. It brought Diane out of her comfort zone and forced her to look at things with a different perspective. 

@Donnamour1969: I loved the fact that Diane actually enjoyed hunting! It exposes a little bit of her hypocrisy, which makes her seem more human. I also liked how we saw the real things people talk about politically, and the show didn't shy away from showing both sides of the abortion argument, for example. It seemed very realistic.

@SambaJulianna: Honestly, the development of every plot in this episode was just lost. Until last Sunday, every episode had some sort of connection or at least made sense altogether. In my opinion 6x16 just randomly threw things at us and nothing followed quite an order or a prerogative. I felt confused and lost. The episode was so weird for me.

Christine: I loved it all. I liked Diane being out of her element but most of all I enjoyed the intelligent, civilized debate between two people who see an issue from different sides. I found RD's and Diane’s conversation. It was refreshing to see that no one had to be made the villain to keep the conversation entertaining. 

Do you think Lemond Bishop can retire successfully?

@SarahLHW: Honestly why is he even relevant anymore? I think he is honestly trying to change for the sake of his son. But like he said, he doesn't want to be prosecuted so I think Kalinda is going to end up taking the fall for him when it comes down to her end.

@Donnamour1969: No, at least not before its too late. I have real fears about his son surviving this whole thing.  

@SambaJulianna: Lemond Bishop is pissing me off lately. He thinks he deserves Kalinda’s loyalty but she doesn't. He thinks everybody should obey his orders and it's time he stops boring me with that. So, yes, hopefully he will retire successfully.

Christine: I’d love to see him do it but like he said, it may not be possible. Somehow, I think this story will be the beginning of the end for Kalinda. 

Check back in with us on Sunday for our review of The Good Wife Season 6 Episode 17 and if you can't wait another minute, you can watch The Good Wife online now, right here at TV Fanatic. 

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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The Good Wife Season 6 Episode 16 Quotes

(to Peter) Let's just get through this, then we can get back to you using me politically.


So you don't personally think I'm a racist but saw political advantage in calling me a racist.
