Vikings Season 3 Episode 4 Review: Scarred

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There were plenty of shockers throughout Vikings Season 3 Episode 4, but that ending was bloody brilliant!

The expressions on Ragnar and Ecbert's faces as they spilled their glass of wine was to die for. Kwenthrith, now Queen, proved herself as ruthless as any of the leaders in that room. She's one to keep an eye on.

A face from the past resurfaced, and we said goodbye to a character whose loss affected me more than I imagined.

Poor little Ivar was in pain, and again Harbard took it away. Siggy was the only person with a bad feeling about the wanderer. Now, it seems she was experiencing premonitions. She asked if he was a God, which Harbard denied, but it doesn't seem he was exactly human either.

Poruun's face was severely scarred, hence the title of this episode. Her question was a valid one; will Bjorn still marry her? Did she lose the baby? I'm not sure whether that was mentioned, but either way, Bjorn has a difficult road ahead. Also, it doesn't help Floki blames his father or Athelstan.

The scene with Aethelwulf speaking Old Norse and calling the Northmen friends was odd. Did he mean it or was he trying to get them to lower their defenses? Floki was just pissed, of course, but Rollo started talking of alliances. He's beginning to see things more like Ragnar does. Still, I knew it was just a matter of time before Rollo’s “baptism” came up. The shipbuilder is seriously stirring things up, planting those seeds of mistrust.

Were you as surprised as I was that Kwentrith peed on Ragnar? When she straddled him, the last thing I expected was for Kwen to relieve herself.

Ragnar: Your brother is weak. He is just a puppet, and he will be your downfall.
Kwentrith: Ragnar what do you think about Ecbert? Do you believe him?
Ragnar: Should I not?
Kwentrith: He's always acted in his own interests. He wants power over me, and over Mercia.
Ragnar: I did not fight for him. I fought for my people and for you.

I realized early on that Kwentrith didn't trust Ecbert, however attempting to forge an alliance with Ragnar was a smart move. We learned tonight that the two kings are very much alike. One of them will need Queen Kwen at some point, though I would say Ragnar needs her more.

Harbard certainly enchanted Aslaug. I'm sure I'm not the only person disappointed in her choices. Who could have imagined Siggy would become the responsible advisor? Sure, Aslaug felt indebted to Harbard, and the guy quickly exploited her weakness. However, leaving her sons behind to hook up with the wanderer was just plain wrong. It's a decision that will haunt her; hopefully.

The boys haven't said much on this show, so when they asked Siggy where their mom was you knew trouble was coming. Until Siggy saw her daughter's spirit and went under water, I honestly thought Ragnar was going to lose both his sons. Those two are not among the famous sons, are they? I was shocked she jumped into the frozen water after them.

Why was Harbard there at the end? I’ve got to say, I didn’t see Siggy's death coming at all and it moved me. Will we ever learn the truth about Harbard? I mean, he vanished before Helga's eyes, so is he Odin?

Back in Wessex, Athelstan finally got busy with Judith, while Lagertha enjoyed casual sex with King Ecbert. I was glad to hear Lagertha say that Ecbert only cares about himself. She's headed back home and there's no real love between them. Will Ecbert accept losing both Lagertha and Athelstan?

When Aethelwulf returned feeling all victorious, his father talked about how much Judith missed him. Yeah right; how do you say awkward in Old English? Did you notice King Ecbert didn’t seem too pleased to see Ragnar? Is this where allegiances begin to shift? I did love that Ragnar knew what Lagertha was up to and she owned it. You've got to love her for it. The exchange about Kwenthrith was hilarious.

Lagertha: You ruined it.
Ragnar: Ah yes, but Princess Kwentrith gave me some of her medicine.

Maybe it's just me, but the celebration seemed a little uncomfortable and tense overall. I think Floki would agree; he was the only person not taking part in the festivities. Floki is a troublemaker, there's no doubt, but his point of view is valid. He's the voice of tradition; of the old ways.

Though King Ecbert probably knew Athelstan would be leaving, he felt the need to threaten him. Ragnar, on the other hand, realized the ex-monk had feelings for Judith, but reminded him he’s free to choose his future. Quite a different approach between the two leaders.

Ragnar was also extremely aware that Wessex now has power over Mercia. Though Kwenthrith will rule, Ecbert's the one pulling the strings. Ragnar’s grown very distrustful of King Ecbert, yet there's a mutual respect there.

Ebert: You and I, we understand each other. That is why we are allies, and will remain so.
Ragnar: Do you think you're a good man?
Ebert: Yes, I think so. Are you a good man?
Ragnar: Yes, I think so. Are you corrupt?
Ebert: Oh yes. Are you?
Ragnar: Um hmm.

I had a feeling Rollo asking Lagertha about her lands would tie in with the mysterious guest arriving in Scandinavia. That's right, it turned out to be none other than King Horik's son Erlendur. I think we all knew keeping that kid alive was a decision that would come back to haunt Ragnar. Kalf's now got several allies, including Jarl Borg’s wife. Oh boy, things are about to get messy.

Perhaps I've watched too much Game of Thrones (which I'll be reviewing next month as well), but I had a feeling Kwentrith poisoned her brother. The way she glanced at his cup, yet would not sip from her own. Then, she spilled her wine which confirmed my suspicions.

The sole ruler of Mercia, Queen Kwentrith, began her reign quite brutally. Wasn't it priceless the way everyone in that room spilled their wine?

Harbard claimed to have taken on some of Ivar’s pain permanently and claimed Siggy was happy with her family in Valhalla. Who are you? Just a wanderer he told them and vanished.

Well, what did you think of "Scarred"? Did Siggy's death shock you? Was Harbard a God? Will Ragnar ever be able to trust Ecbert or Kwentrith? You're up guys, hit the comments below and share your thoughts on tonight's intense episode with me.

As always, you can watch Vikings online via TV Fanatic if you need to re-watch an installment or if you missed one.

NOTE: Vikings Season 3 Episode 5 is titled “The Usurper” and airs on Thursday, March 19.

Scarred Review

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Vikings Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Ragnar: Your brother is weak. He is just a puppet, and he will be your downfall.
Kwentrith: Ragnar what do you think about Ecbert? Do you believe him?
Ragnar: Should I not?
Kwentrith: He's always acted in his own interests. He wants power over me, and over Mercia.
Ragnar: I did not fight for him. I fought for my people and for you.

Lagertha: You ruined it.
Ragnar: Ah yes, but Princess Kwentrith gave me some of her medicine.