The Real Housewives of New York City Season 7 Episode 3 Review: Battle of the Brunches

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As Bethenny Frankel put it, it was all about the “bitches who brunch” on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 7 Episode 3 as she and Ramona Singer had a brunch showdown. We recap who showed up, who left early and the surprise guest in our +/- review.

Who knew there was so much pressure over a brunch invite? Ramona swore she invited everyone first but can she really lay claim to that when no one ever saw her phantom e-mail? Minus 23. 

And what was up with the brunch suddenly being “in honor of” Dorinda? Why exactly was Dorinda being honored? Should the ladies have brought presents for the honoree? 

LuAnn decided that the safest course of action was to somehow attend both brunches as she said in this The Real Housewives of New York City quote

Bethenny is a rock and Ramona is a hard place.


The ladies were willing to knock back a few extra Bloody Mary’s in order to avoid being caught in the middle. Plus 15. 

The feud between Bethenny and Ramona may have started long before brunch. Turns out Ramona borrowed a dress from Bethenny while making an appearance on her talk show. Then she left with the dress! Later she told Bethenny the dress was lost (how exactly do you lose a designer dress?) but she later posted pictures of herself in it on Instagram! Minus 35. Hard to dispute the photo evidence. 

The only problem with the dual brunch plan was that they couldn’t physically be in two places at once, so Bethenny’s came first. Not only were there Skinny Girl cocktails aplenty, they got to leave with parting gifts. Carole even took the blender! Who does that? Minus 10.

Then it was off to Ramona’s where Sonja and Dorinda had waited 90 minutes and then had to leave without eating. Minus 21. There was no reason why they couldn’t have ordered something while they waited for the others or did they just want something to whine about?

Later, Dorinda met up with her boyfriend, John for lunch and proved what a complete b*tch she can be when she took his phone and berated he person on the other end for calling during their lunch. As though that person had any idea what they were doing when he called! Minus 33. 

LuAnn visited Ramona at home and the two bonded over Ramona’s marital woes. She’s filed for divorce and is moving on which earned her a plus 42  but Minus 50 to Mario who was telling Ramona that he still has feelings for her while still trolling online dating sites. No wonder Avery’s no longer speaking to him. 

Finally, LuAnn brought everyone together for a girls night out. Bethenny’s top consisted mostly of a bra and not much else as Carole admitted to wearing “slut boots.”

But Bethenny was ticked off at LuAnn for inviting her old nemesis Kelly Bensimon to the party and not giving Bethenny a heads up. Minus 37. Bethenny’s got a point on that one. It did feel like a blindside, even if Lu said it was a last minute thing. 

As Ramona was hitting the dance floor with every guy in the place and Sonja was cozying up to a young, German model, in walked Dorinda’s boyfriend…without Dorinda!

So was this really just a business dinner or was Sonja right? Was there a little monkey business going on?

Episode total = -152!                     Season total = -73!

There's no need to miss any of the drama when you can watch The Real Housewives of New York City online any time here at TV Fanatic. 

Battle of the Brunches Review

Editor Rating: 4.1 / 5.0
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Rating: 4.3 / 5.0 (3 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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