The Real Housewives of New York City Season 7 Episode 6 Review: Double Down on Delusion

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It’s the limo ride from hell on The Real Housewives of New York City Season 7 Episode 6 as Sonja invites the ladies to Atlantic City but won’t allow them in her front door. We recap who gets ticked off and who just gets blitzed in our +/- review.

Sonja, Sonja, Sonja. This episode was most definitely the Sonja show as Ms Morgan took center stage and much like Bethenny, I would have preferred to work on a chain gang if it meant escaping that limo! 

First, Sonja makes the ladies stand outside in the rain because she’s afraid her dog might get loose? Or was it because her sister called…or perhaps she wasn’t packed. Minus 35. Sonja had so many explanations for her weirdly rude behavior that I lost track. 

Then there was the limo ride straight from hell. Between Heather’s angry tirade and Sonja’s rambling, I needed someone to pour me a drink before it was over. Of course maybe there was a little too much drinking going on as Bethenny and Ramona couldn’t wait to even get to a rest stop to use the bathroom. They literally squatted in the grass next to their limo. Minus 23. Way to keep it classy ladies. 

Fast forward to dinner where Sonja says the ladies are always making these digs against here. Bethenny tries to explain that Sonja needs to stop talking about her old life and how much money she has…or had...and all the famous people she knows. It sounds pretentious. 

Plus 50 for trying, but the whole thing leaves Sonja in tears, and if her drunken rant to Dorinda is anything to go by (I’ve partied with John John Kennedy and Madonna!), we don’t think Sonja heard a word. But Dorinda gets a special plus 18 for pointing out that John John is dead…so no real partying has been going on for quite a while.

Not only that, but Sonja got snippy. "Do you know what PR stands for? I promote people." And if you took a drink for every time Sonja said, “I promote people,” you might have been as smashed as she was. 

Bethenny got it right when she said in this The Real Housewives of New York City quote

Sonja's life is like the Frozen theme. It's like, Let It Go!


Of course she’s more than happy to let something go when she’s on the dance floor as she tried to make out with Countess LuAnn and did her best to flash everyone in the club. Minus 23. It was actually really sad.

But Sonja’s got such incredible tolerance for alcohol that she wakes up the next morning as though she hadn’t touched a drop and blames her drunken binge on her vitamins?!? Now that’s a first. 

The worst moment was when Bethenny opened up to Sonja, talking about her difficult divorce, having to share her daughter and her own lawsuit and financial issues. Sonja dismissed it all because no body knows what it’s like to be Sonja Morgan. Minus 43.

Episode total = -56! Season total = -338!

If you missed a minute of the drama, you can watch The Real Housewives of New York City online here at TV Fanatic.

Double Down on Delusion Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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