Bones Season 10 Episode 22 Review: The End in the End

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Admit it.

You've been hoping Pelant would manage to come back in some way, shape, or form, right? I have.

On Bones Season 10 Episode 22, that's exactly what happens, and it has a profound effect on every character.

Booth and Brennan are already dealing with change. Booth is back home, and they are getting their lives back together, but they still have a baby on the way. And that means they have a lot to think about. Before they are even called to this case, Booth sees that Brennan has been organizing several job offers.

Can you blame her? I think it's smart to have Booth and Brennan regularly evaluating their lives, rather than letting them continue as they have in the past despite their growing family. Brennan should be considering a change, and so should Booth.

We've been through a lot. Your gambling... being in jail... shot... a new baby. Don't you think we might need a change?


Well, there's nothing like being reminded of Pelant to make him do exactly that. Pelant is long gone, but he's managed to find a way to haunt them from beyond the grave. This case looks to be a copycat killer, which has the team looking back at old evidence and opening up old wounds.

The case itself is kind of anticlimactic, but it works well in leading Booth to the decision that it will be his last case. It also provides a good reason for all the squinterns to show up and work together.

The news that Booth and Brennan are leaving is hard on everyone, but it's the scene between Booth and Caroline that is most emotional. Caroline is always tough, but to learn that Booth is leaving breaks her down completely. Okay, granted, it always seems that Booth is out the door for one reason or another, but this time it feels final (it won't be, but still.)

There's finality for Angela and Hodgins, too. Thanks to the work Angela does on this case, she finds Hodgins' money that he lost long ago because of Pelant. Conveniently, they don't need it anymore thanks to Hodgins' fabulous invention. So, he's able to tell Angela to get rid of it.

Hodgins: Make it go to a hundred charities, okay? Let them find a cure for the cancer that Wendell has.
Angela: One condition. We don't leave the Jeffersonian. You keep doing what you do.

I'm sad for Angela that she won't get to move to Paris, but hey, a vacation home is pretty great too, right? I could see her resenting Hodgins later somehow, especially since the move to Paris wasn't just a fun idea; it was a way for them to get away from a world that revolves around death.

What strikes me most about "The End in the End" is how perfect of a series finale it would be. Booth and Brennan leaving their work behind to start new lives together is exactly the ending they deserve. Yet there is still one unanswered question, and it's a way for Pelant's story to continue. And that's the video he left behind that Brennan refused to watch.

But, this isn't the series finale. Bones will be back next fall, and something has to bring Booth and Brennan back to work. Maybe it could be Pelant? We'll just have to see.

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The End in the End Review

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Ashley Bissette Sumerel was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in September 2017. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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Bones Season 10 Episode 22 Quotes

Booth: No one's getting killed.
Brennan: That's what you always say before the shooting starts.

We've been through a lot. Your gambling... being in jail... shot... a new baby. Don't you think we might need a change?
