Chasing Life Season 2 Episode 4 Review: Truly, Madly, Deeply

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Never judge a book without a cover. 

On Chasing Life Season 2 Episode 4, April went to great lengths to get the truth about her father's manuscript, but did she get the answers she so desperately required?

We opened the hour with April and Natalie talking about the book – well, arguing. Normally April is quick to inflict her views on people without getting their two cents, but she knew it wouldn't fly with Natalie in this case and actually took on board what Natalie had to say, which is a massive step forward for these two. 

For the most part, it appears that Thomas Carver wasn't a very nice person. He had two families and his friend didn't exactly give him glowing reviews. April's mind seems pretty made up about him, but there will probably be more to this manuscript than meets the eye. 

Leo was understandably annoyed that April decided to go away with him with an ulterior motive. As we know if we are seasoned viewers of teen dramas, always tell the truth! The argument really was called for, but it should be a lesson for April to realize she needs to be more open and tell Leo what's going on in her life.

They are getting married after all.

April: That was the most dirtiest four minutes.
Leo: Four? That was at least five.

Did anyone else LOVE that they gate crashed a wedding and put on different accents? These two are hilarious together and are quite clearly made for each other. I can't wait to see what the wedding is like. 

Elsewhere, Brenna's relationship with Margo got a little awkward when Margo's ex just kept popping up. Alarm bells were ringing for me when she ditched Brenna to take her home. I get that she would want to make sure she got home okay, but ditching her new girlfriend for it? Not cool. She should have asked Brenna to go with her, drop the chick off and leave. Wait, she didn't do that because she's freaking living with her ex. 

Didn't you say you should date somebody your own age. What's with you dating a forty year old?


It wasn't creepy at all that she just showed up on Brenna's doorstep with a dog while Brenna and Margo were locking lips, right? I really was all for this romance, but now it's getting to a stage where Brenna is going to get hurt so I'm happy that she was mature enough to send Margo packing. I don't think it's the last we've seen of her, but it should be. 

Brenna's first day at public school went as well as could be expected. The girl who tried to befriend her was just plain annoying. Brenna is clearly interested by Finn, who she just so happened to donate stem cells to. I'm willing to be these two will become pretty close friends soon enough. It's pretty cool how these two have been in so many places at the one time, but have never noticed one another. 

Did anyone really expect April's wedding dress to be her grandmother's? After the snarky comments Emma threw at Sara's, I sure thought Emma's would be worse, but it was beautiful and I can't wait to see April (finally!) walk down the aisle. 

Speaking of Sara, she has a friend. I raised my eye brow when she met her college friend because I didn't want to see her start a new relationship so soon, so it was nice to find out that she has a new friend. Let's hope he sticks around for a while, along with his son!

Yes, Beth has finally found someone to take to the wedding with her! I loved how she thought he was gay and begun liking him, only to find out he is very much straight. Let's hope this one lasts longer than the last one!

"Truly, Madly, Deeply" was another solid hour of this ABC Family drama. With the wedding just around the corner, I'm hoping it all goes through without a hitch.

Remember you can watch Chasing Life online, right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up now!

Note: Chasing Life Season 2 Episode 5 airs Monday August 3 at 9/8c on ABC Family. 

Truly, Madly, Deeply Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Chasing Life Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

That dress is the worst dress i've ever seen and you were a C section.


You know what they say about a guy with a pet snake. He's a loser.
