Masters of Sex Season 3 Episode 8 Review: Surrogates

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Three cheers for Betty!

After watching Bill and Virginia break the rules whenever it suited them, Betty finally stood up for herself when confronted by Bill on Masters of Sex Season 3 Episode 8

Before we get to Betty's soliloquy, let's break down the rest of the episode.

Jetting Off - Masters of Sex

Virginia needs to get away from Bill more often! Even though she failed to relax and enjoy a day of pampering paid for by Daniel, Virginia still managed to smile more than she has in a while.

Virginia will never be one to sit on the sidelines while the man in her life conducts business. She can't be the housewife or trophy wife. Thankfully, Daniel didn't seem to mind when Virginia inserted herself into his pitch to the casino owner. 

The whole scene highlighted how well Virginia and Daniel play off each other. It helps that Lizzy Caplan and Josh Charles have terrific chemistry. 

Virginia: Going into a casino is much like going to bed with someone. They're both a means of escape.
Daniel: A way to leave behind the mundane chores of the day.

Daniel's decision to turn down the deal probably means he sees some sort of future with Virginia. Virginia surprised me by not telling Daniel to take it. Her silence means she likes being with him.

I could have done without the whole hotel employee trying to steal from them storyline. I understand it was meant to remind the audience of Virginia's worries about her son, but it felt needless overall.

Back at the office, Bill used Virginia's absence to start up the surrogacy program. I was curious to see what type of character Emily Kinney would be playing, and her role as Nora was an interesting addition. 

Nora reminded me of the Virginia we met at the beginning of series: highly intelligent, unassuming, hungry for something greater. Bill took an instant liking to her despite knowing her as a child. I'm not sure what will come of her staying at the office, but I hope it's nothing sexual between her and Bill.

Little does Bill know that Libby has taken back some agency in her life by having an affair with Paul. It's no shock that Paul and Libby started having sex because this storyline could be spotted a mile away. However, Libby's relationship with Paul has been strictly sexual and not emotional.

Her reluctance to open up had nothing to do with Bill and everything to do with Robert. I'm glad Libby managed to reveal her relationship with Robert because we never got any follow up to how she felt after he died. There was no one she could share her feelings with. 

It is sad that Libby feels she has nothing more to give to Paul other than her body. I'm still holding out hope that Libby can find her happy ending away from her toxic marriage to Bill.

Now let's get to my favorite moment. Betty's scene with Bill was absolute perfection. Bill had no right to judge Betty for trying to pull one over on him by having Helen and Austin pretend to be a married couple seeking fertility treatment. 

You can yell at me. You can scream at me. You can call me all the names in the book, but do me a favor, do not insult my intelligence. I am a lesbian, not a moron. You have every right in the world to can me for what I did, but all I'll say is this, doc, I have been working here 7 years, and I have become an expert at looking the other way. Maybe it's your turn to do the same for me.


Betty has been the backbone of that office for years. She has stood by and watched Bill and Virginia conduct their research and their personal relationship without so much as an eyebrow raise.

Betty deserves the same courtesy she's given to Bill over the years. Bill likes to pass a lot of judgment onto others, but has a difficult time when it's done to him. 

I figured the inevitable conclusion would be Helen and Austin having sex in order to conceive. I just hope she gets pregnant the first time considering how Betty needed to be there in order to calm her nerves. 

So over to you guys! What did you think of this episode? Did you like seeing Virginia take a break from Bill? Will Bill grow close to Nora? Will Libby allow herself some happiness with Paul? What are your predictions for Masters of Sex Season 3 Episode 9?

Sound off below, and don't forget you can catch up on any missed episodes when you watch Masters of Sex online via TV Fanatic! 

Surrogates Review

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Amanda Steinmetz was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She went into retirement in June of 2027. Follow her on Twitter.

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Masters of Sex Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

Human beings cannot survive without being touched. It's a basic, biological need hardwired into us over millennia of evolution.


You can yell at me. You can scream at me. You can call me all the names in the book, but do me a favor, do not insult my intelligence. I am a lesbian, not a moron. You have every right in the world to can me for what I did, but all I'll say is this, doc, I have been working here 7 years, and I have become an expert at looking the other way. Maybe it's your turn to do the same for me.
