Awkward Season 5 Episode 2 Review: Short Circuit Party

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Final seasons of shows almost never meet expectations, but so far it seems like Awkward is bucking the trend. 

on Awkward Season 5 Episode 2, Jenna became the popular girl she has longed to be for like, ever, but it came with a price. 

You'd think with just under fifty days left of school to go that everyone would be wanting to attend as much as they can, but for the students of Palos Hills High, they took the opportunity to indulge in some underage drinking down by the beach. 

School Is Cancelled  - Awkward

Which brings us to Jenna and Tamara attempting to buy alcohol. It was probably one of the most comical scenes on the series to date and thanks to the slick editing, I actually thought they got away with it, but then the camera cut to the police officer escorting the delinquents to their car. I get that Jenna was nervous, but she should know there's such a thing as talking too much. Heck, you know you're wrong when Tamara talks less than you!

Top Valu, seriously? Did you forget where the liquor store is, or are we suddenly buying ground beef and paper towels?


I dug the scene with Lacey finding them – a lot. She wasn't stupid. She knew what they were up to. She was that age once and we all know she was totally happy that Jenna was the most popular girl in school, if only for a few hours. If you thought we were going to be seeing a very different Lacey, because y'know, she's pregnant and stuff, then you were wrong. She's still her crazy self, and she'll continue to be that way until the show signs off for good. 

It was a bit of a shock that Valerie's public humiliation of Jenna led to her being popular, but Val took the day off to get drunk and evaluate her life. I get that she needs to find herself, but if she's gone for more than a few episodes, it will change the dynamic of the show. Who will take over in the school with her absence? Let's face it, it's going to be someone we know. I hope they don't take the predictable route and have Mrs. Hamilton laying down the law because that would result in designated classes for spray tans! LOL. 

Honey, Val told me what you did at the school. Don't look at me like that, it's a virgin.


Elsewhere, Sadie's mom really proved to us that she was a bitch to her daughter. I now understand why Sadie is the young woman she is today. Her mother constantly fat shamed her. That is no way to teach anyone, let alone your kid. If I was Sadie, I'd have continued to push her away. In Sadie's defense, she's trying to steer clear of her, but it just isn't happening. 

Tamara: You're turn.
Sadie: Hell no. I don't do custodial.

Was anyone else hoping that Jenna and Matty would take a trip to bone town and, like, confess they love each other? It'd be about time! I'm confused as to why Jenna put him to bed and left. I'd have thought she'd have jumped for joy at the opportunity to stare at him all night long. 

"Short Circuit Party" was another solid outing for the show. The characters are clearly maturing in a lot of ways, but they still have a lot of growing up to do before we say goodbye to them. Either way, the show is on a creative high right now. I hope it stays that way all season long!

Remember you can watch Awkward online, right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up on all the laughs now!

What did you think of the episode? Will Val return soon? What's next for Jenna and Matty? Hit the comments below! 

Note: Awkward Season 5 Episode 3 airs Monday September 14 at 9/8C on MTV.

Short Circuit Party Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Awkward Season 5 Episode 2 Quotes

Matty: Jenna, I wouldn't.
Jenna: Oh, I would.
Matty: No seriously, Jenna.
Jenna: Fuck.

  • Permalink: Fuck.
  • Added:

Tamara: You're turn.
Sadie: Hell no. I don't do custodial.