Masters of Sex Season 3 Episode 12 Review: Full Ten Count

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Bill Masters needs to know when he's been beat.

On Masters of Sex Season 3 Episode 12, Bill finally opened up to both of the women in his life, but it was too little too late as Libby and Virginia didn't react the way he had hoped.

As Masters of Sex Season 3 drew to a close, the doctor's entire world seemed to crumble around him.

In Jeopardy - Masters of Sex

Bill's timing has never been his strong suit, and his decision to open up came at the worst time possible. How on earth did Bill think that coming clean to Libby while he's under investigation was the right move?

With all the chaos surrounding the clinic and his personal life, Bill decided to tell Libby the truth about his relationship with Virginia. As a viewer, I find Bill's shock that Libby knew about his affair rather insulting. He must not think very much of Libby's intelligence.

You are the biggest fool that I know, but much to my heart's regret, I am the second biggest fool. Oh you cannot begin to understand the things that I have given up for you, the happiness that I have turned my back on for this family.


With Paul having disappeared without a goodbye, Libby was rightly furious at Bill. The decision to end their marriage should come at the hands of Libby. Sadly, she decided to be the martyr of her family and give up her own happiness in exchange for not getting a divorce. 

I think it's safe to say Bill and Libby's marriage is over. There's no going back, and I hope for Libby's sake they don't try to mend their marriage. 

It also seems that Bill will only be honest when the cards are stacked against him. His admission of love to Virginia would have been nice had he opened up a decade earlier and not while the clinic may have to undergo an investigation. 

I'm thrilled that Virginia said yes to Dan's proposal, but it's hard to say if she got on the plane. I was proud of her for standing up to Bill, but she did keep looking back as she was at the airport.

Bill always made Virginia believe she could only be happy at work, but it's about time Virginia finds happiness outside of it.

Bill, you're right about me, in many ways, how I love the work and the accomplishments, and the recognition, but where you're wrong is thinking that I want those things in place of happiness. I want to be happy in a life bigger than work. I can't be a whole person without that.


I hope this isn't the last we've seen of Dan. He's the first man on the show I could see Virginia spending the rest of her life with, but I'm not optimistic about his longevity. 

Bill will always have a grip on Virginia in some capacity. Bill's love comes with strings and those strings are control, manipulation, and selfishness.

Virginia: Dan, I've been so happy with you, but I don't see how you and the work go together. I don't ever see Bill accepting us.
Dan: It's not up to him. Bill can never make you happy. Not as a man to love. You know this. I know this. Virginia, I'm here because I love you, and I want you to be my wife, but I can't run after you trying to make you see things you already know. That I can't do.

Virginia has been very passive in her actions this season. I felt relief to see her finally tell Bill what she wanted without his ideas of what's best for her getting in the way. I want to see more strength in Virginia going into Season 4.

I also want more cohesion in the storylines next season, because there were a lot of threads left hanging. Let's talk about Barton first. I was thrilled when he was brought back into the show this season, but it also feels like a waste. Barton's role on the show seemed to make a drastic and unrealistic change in one episode. 

All of a sudden he's sleeping with Jonathan and taking him out to dinner? It's nice and all, but when did that happen? We didn't get to see his progression, and it feels like a cheat. 

Then we have Betty and the baby storyline. Where are Austin and Helen? What's going on at Betty's house. This storyline seemed to get dropped rather quickly without any sort of follow-up.

Lastly, we have Tessa. The show put so much focus on Virginia's daughter, but didn't give any sort of resolution to her arc. Last we saw her, she was about to have sex. What happened next?

The writers also made a big fuss over Virginia realizing she'd failed her daughter over the years. Now she does it again by not sharing that she's running off to divorce Tess' father, again, and get married to another man. 

This season was a mess and extremely frustrating, but also managed to redeem itself a little bit with Bill and Libby's marriage imploding and Bill finally telling Virginia he loves her.

So over to you guys! What did you think of the finale? Were you frustrated by the ending? Are you happy to see Libby and Bill's marriage seemingly over? Will Virginia get on the plane?

Sound off below, and don't forget you can catch up on the entire series when you watch Masters of Sex online via TV Fanatic!

Full Ten Count Review

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Amanda Steinmetz was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She went into retirement in June of 2027. Follow her on Twitter.

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Masters of Sex Season 3 Episode 12 Quotes

Virginia: Dan, I've been so happy with you, but I don't see how you and the work go together. I don't ever see Bill accepting us.
Dan: It's not up to him. Bill can never make you happy. Not as a man to love. You know this. I know this. Virginia, I'm here because I love you, and I want you to be my wife, but I can't run after you trying to make you see things you already know. That I can't do.

You are the biggest fool that I know, but much to my heart's regret, I am the second biggest fool. Oh you cannot begin to understand the things that I have given up for you, the happiness that I have turned my back on for this family.
