Nashville Season 4 Episode 2 Review: 'Til the Pain Outwears the Shame

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Who else just wants to take Juliette by the shoulders and shake her?

We were so close! So close to getting a Barnes-Barkley family reunion in Nashville Season 4 Episode 2, but alas, our cute little country music family just couldn't hold things together. And they're not the only ones falling apart at the seams!

Will's career is on life support these days, which is so tough to see.

While it would have been nice to see everyone in country music treat him like his sexuality was no big deal, I think it's sadly more true to life to see it play out the way it did. Wayne talking nice to his face while keeping him at arms length in front of the press was such a subtle, yet purposeful way to prove that Will's peers were not all as accepting as they liked to appear.

Seeing Will so hurt at that rejection broke my heart!

But the question now becomes, will Will turn to a career as a songwriter like Kevin? Or will he try to push through this homophobic glass ceiling and create a career for himself on the stage instead of behind it?

Over at the hospital, catastrophe struck again when Beverly suffered a stroke. 

Honestly, watching her reconnect with Deacon and reconcile with Scarlett was lovely, but it sent up way too many red flags. When a character starts making peace with all the people they've wronged, you just know they're headed for death.

I know I wasn't the mother that you needed me to be. The mother you deserved. And I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, and I'm just glad I didn't die without getting to say that to you.


I was totally banking on Beverly being a hurdle for Deacon to tackle this season, but it looks like the only hurdle she'll present is life support related in Nashville Season 4 Episode 3

On the topic of reconciliations, let's circle back to Juliette and Avery. 

I believe the saying "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me," is particularly fitting here. 

Juliette seemed so sincere, apologizing to Avery for her absence and admitting all of her fears and insecurities about being a mother. She just happened to leave out that pesky little depression part that makes her throw snowglobes at week old infants. Whoops.

I love you both, just give me a chance to explain. Please.


It seems Juliette's PPD is still in full force because she bailed as soon as things got messy with Cadence. 

That baby girl is going to need some serious therapy if Juliette doesn't pull things together fast!

Elsewhere, Gunnar and Scarlett's romantic woes were far less exciting to watch, mostly because I feel like we've been watching the same show on repeat for the past few years with those two. I'm totally game to watch them fall ever so slowly back into each other's arms, but I also have to call a spade a spade.

We've seen this story before, folks.

One dynamic musical duo? Check! One lackluster, unsupportive boyfriend? Check! One soon to be grieving songwriter in desperate need of comfort? Check! 

Let's just hope this time around they manage to get things right. I do love their love story, after all.

The only couple who seems to be headed for contented, marital bliss is Deacon and Rayna. THANK GOODNESS!

Those two are so supportive and understanding of each other, be it cancer or music related. I had hoped to get a bit more mileage out of happy Deacon and Rayna before tragedy struck and pulled them apart again, but you take what you can get. With Beverly at death's door next week, don't expect to get too much carefree couple time in the near future.

Maybe that's for the best though? Rayna's got a hot new rock artist who will need lots of attention! 

Rayna: What do you want? What do you want to do next?
Markus: You're the first person to ask me that.

Markus Keen seems to be the hottest new ticket in town, and even if signing him did cost Rayna all of her savings, I think he's going to be a great addition to Highway 65. And not just because I've had a crush on Riley Smith since he starred in Motocrossed way back when.

How do you think Markus will fit into Highway 65? Will he be a headache for Rayna creatively? Or maybe sparks will fly between him and Layla? Put your theories in comments below, but leave your opinion on this first:

Which Nashville Season 4 song is your favorite so far?

And be sure to watch Nashville online via TV Fanatic! 

'Til the Pain Outwears the Shame Review

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Nashville Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

I believe in this company. I believe in you.


I love you both, just give me a chance to explain. Please.
