Castle Season 8 Episode 5 Review: The Nose

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There’s no doubt that Castle Season 8 Episode 5 was a great installment that gave fans a lot to laugh about... until the end when the separation story once again clouded everything with sadness.

It’s a trend I’ve grown to despise in Castle Season 8, but let’s hit the highlights first.

Mia Laslow was a standout as the woman who could smell everyone and everything. She completely stole the show from beginning to end with her unrestrained sarcasm and wicked sense of humor.

First, she called out Beckett’s highly questionable meal choices in this Castle quote

Do you always eat kale for breakfast because that is just wrong.


Personally, I would have gone with Castle’s leftover tacos over kale for breakfast. Don’t either of them have any eggs or cereal?

Then, Mia completely intimidated Ryan and Esposito. Poor Ryan didn’t even want to question the woman.

Our witness is threatening to file a complaint against me for assault with a deadly odor. She says that I smell like soiled baby diapers and Javi's cologne is quote, "satan's butt sweat."


I had to smile when Ryan told Beckett that she always smells so pretty. Like cherries, perhaps?

I liked Mia all the more when Castle connected with her. He could see past her brusk demeanor and realized that she was overwhelmed and hiding from the outside world. Who better than Richard Castle to bring her out of her shell? 

The decontamination scene was hysterical, mostly because it messed with Castle’s hair. Have you ever noticed how it is always perfect? Even as he left the chamber, it immediately went back into place, like magic. 

Mia being a fan of Martha made me love her all the more. Who isn’t a fan of Martha Rodgers? And as a person who lives in the NYC area, I found their dialogue about where she performed Pippin really funny…

Martha: Off, Off Broadway.
Richard: Mother, that was New Jersey.
Martha: Off, Off Broadway, as I said.

Esposito and Ryan went from funny to melancholy within seconds. That Ryan didn’t pass the Sergeant’s exam was kind of heartbreaking considering how badly he needs the money from the promotion. I hate to see any rift between these two. I honestly didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when Ryan shot Esposito in the butt. On the one hand it was lowball, slapstick humor but the actor’s certainly pulled it off to make it work.

Honestly, I hope Beckett does send these two to mandatory therapy. How much fun could it be to see them sitting with Dr. Burke trying to sort out their issues?

The case had so many twists and turns I could barely keep up. At least this killer made a lot more sense than the prison storyline a couple of weeks ago, but my head is still spinning trying to keep it all straight.

Hayley was back. She annoyed me less here than she had previously, however she makes it clear that she's generally out for her own best interest. I was surprised that Beckett took her in as part of the team so easily. I also don’t think Hayley should have been in the room when Beckett talked to Ryan about shooting Espo. That should have been a “family” conversation and Hayley is most definitely an outsider.

Alexis was MIA as a P.I., but I didn’t even realize it until the episode was over, so I obviously didn’t miss her. Although I enjoyed her involvement more last week in Castle Season 8 Episode 4 than I have all season, I still think a little of the character goes a long way. 

That brings us to the Castle and Beckett separation. 

I think I get what the writers intent was with this story arc. They wanted the fans to root for Rick and Kate to get back together, but for me it’s backfiring, mostly because the premise makes so little sense. 

If Lorenzo, a man with no real inside knowledge, knew that Castle was married to the Captain of the 12th precinct and came to the loft with a gun to get Rick to help him get the painting out of evidence, how the heck is Beckett moving out protecting him from anything? Everyone knows they’re married. Certainly the bad guys behind this vague, big, bad conspiracy know it and will target Castle the moment they get wind of Beckett’s investigation no matter where she’s living. Beckett should be smart enough to figure that out. 

I find this storyline incredibly frustrating. Beckett sniffing Castle’s shirt and leaving her NYPD t-shirt at the end was certainly intended to be romantic, but I found it depressing. How is Rick not upset that his wife just took more of her stuff? That means she’s not coming back any time soon. What’s there to smile about?

Mia telling Castle how much Kate loves him wasn’t news. I still believe the characters love one another; that’s what makes this so difficult to watch. 

If I could wave my magic wand, I’d go back to Castle Season 8 Episode 2 and have Beckett share her fears over Castle and his family’s safety with him. Perhaps they could have decided together that it was best if the world thought they were separated until this case was solved. Then we could have enjoyed seeing them try to hide their real feelings in front of people and having them catch odd romantic moments together on the sly. That could have been fun. What we have now just colors all of their scenes in sadness. 

Looks like we have two weeks off until the next new Castle episode. Are you clamoring for more or simply hoping this storyline gets wrapped up by the fall finale? 

Don’t forget to check back in later this week to see what our Castle Round Table Team has to say about this episode, and if you want more you can always watch Castle online here at TV Fanatic.

The Nose Review

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Rating: 4.0 / 5.0 (215 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Castle Season 8 Episode 5 Quotes

Do you always eat kale for breakfast because that is just wrong.


Our witness is threatening to file a complaint against me for assault with a deadly odor. She says that I smell like soiled baby diapers and Javi's cologne is quote, "satan's butt sweat."
