Scorpion Season 2 Episode 3 Review: Fish Filet

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No one does badass like Sylvester.

On Scorpion Season 2 Episode 3, Sylvester went to prison and attempted to be a badass. The concept alone was magnificent, and the actual undercover mission did not disappoint. How would you rate Sylvester's act as a brutal killer?

Plus, it was great to have Sylvester take lead on a case. It was his chance to shine and show off all the amazing talents that he has. Not only that, but he got to be more of a badass. He took charge and didn't shy away from danger, which is very un-Sylvester.

I mean, even Cabe was taken back by it, and it takes a lot to surprise Cabe like that.

We should have start having people other than Walter take the lead on a case. Let's see Happy take charge or even Toby. Everyone on Team Scorpion needs a chance to shine, and it would be a good exercise for Walter to learn how to take orders from someone else.

I'm not sure how Walter would react if Toby was placed in charge of an entire mission.

The cases so far this season have been pretty great because they have been a lot more simple than the ones from season one. They've still got that Team Scorpion craziness flare to them, but they aren't as involved. 

Like with this case, all Sylvester had to do was get his hands on the legend and decipher the code. It was a simple task (in theory), and it would have instantly solved the issue of trying to stop the assassination of three federal judges, which was what Team Scorpion was hired to do.

Of course, things don't go exactly as planned, but the main point of Sylvester being in prison never changed. It was all for the legend. 

I was drugged and nearly choked to death today, all less scary than your driving.


Since the case wasn't as complex, we got to have a little bit more fun with it. We spent time on Sylvester trying to survive in prison, and then we watched him try to get his ass kicked. There was nothing quite as painful as waiting to watch Sylvester get beat up.

The case wasn't rushed. We got to marvel in the glory that was Sylvester in prison. 

That being said, there was a bit of a letdown feeling at the end. I had a moment where I went "oh, that was it?" We were on this high from the jailbreak, and then the case ended with a phone call. It would have been cool to have the team rush to go save one of the judges or something.

Did you feel the same way or was it just me?

Praise everything! We got another Toby and Cabe scene. Seriously, these two are my favorite. Now if their scenes could last more than a minute or two, I'd be happy. Let's see Cabe and Toby being partnered up for an entire mission or being stranded together.  

What did you think of "Fish Filet"? If you had to pick a different Team Scorpion member to go undercover in a prison, who would you pick? I think Happy would have dominated in prison. Leave me your thoughts in a comment below.

Remember you can watch Scorpion online via TV Fanatic.

Fish Filet Review

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Scorpion Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Happy: How long have you been here, doc?
Toby: Metaphysically? 33 years.

We're not buddies. I barely know you.
