The Blacklist Season 3 Episode 6 Review: Sir Crispin Crandall

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Red and Tom are pretty eager to clear Liz’s name.

Sure, their methods are different, but they’ve got plenty of drive to get to their goal.

So which one will get there first?

It’s pretty easy to assume it will be Red. After all, he’s always one step ahead, and The Blacklist Season 3 Episode 6 showed that rather clearly.

After a series of twists and turns, he was able to get to the eccentric billionaire to get to Andras Halmi to get his thumbs to use on the safety deposit box just so he could have a hold over the Director.

And what an intense conversation between those two power players at the very end. Red was clearly in a dominant position, taunting the Director about losing his colleagues, threatening to bring the entire cabal down.

Obviously the Director knew he was screwed when he got to the safety deposit box after Red. You can tell the once-confident and commanding presence has been shaken. It’s as if his world is crumbling around him, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr. Solomon winds up paying him another visit.

Yet, he turned down Red’s offer. It was a bit of a surprise, seeing as Red had clearly gained the upper hand. Does he know that even if he cleared Liz, he’d still wind up dead?

Perhaps, not clearing Liz might be the thing that’s keeping him alive just a bit longer.

But what else was in that box? And will it be part of an even bigger plan that Red has been hatching?

It was definitely an engaging trip to get there, even if the whole cryogenics and ark storyline was merely to get the FBI involved in hunting a blacklister and being where Red’s man was. Sure, it was rather creepy the whole pairing up of the brightest minds for storage, but it was simply a case wrapped up for the FBI.

And boy, does the FBI always wind up being last on the list to the party.

Though, I do wonder if Ressler’s evidence will wind up holding up against the Director, or if that’s going to put him on Mr. Solomon’s list.

But even more interesting was Liz being pretty much in the background for the whole hour. I almost forgot she was even there at times.

I don’t mind when Red takes charge, but I expected Liz to have a bit more do at least.

As for Tom’s journey to save Liz, the whole fight club angle just seemed rather ridiculous and the actual fight against Asher was kind of lame.

But he wound up having to kill Asher to even get any further. Tom’s clearly capable of making such a move, but it wasn’t without remorse. He’s gotten in deep enough to do whatever he can to save Liz, and unfortunately that meant some collateral damage.

Harold will not be pleased.

Still, rather than drag out Tom’s hunt for Karakurt, he got his man at the very end. It’s good to see that part of his story progress, but will Karakurt give Tom what he wants? Can Liz be exonerated?

This was an entertaining hour that felt like it moved things along, and I'm definitely curious to see how Red and Tom will make their next move. That end goal seems much more in sight than it did before, and I'm just waiting for some big revelation to drop to send the show in a totally new direction.

Note: The Blacklist Season 3 Episode 7, "Zal Bin Hasaan," airs Nov. 12 at 9 p.m. And be sure to catch up and watch The Blacklist online now!

Sir Crispin Crandall Review

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Rating: 4.0 / 5.0 (53 Votes)

Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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The Blacklist Season 3 Episode 6 Quotes

I’m going to bring this whole damn thing down on you, Peter. And when I do, your own people will beg me to kill you to stop the bleeding.


Dead? Pish, posh. What's death? It's just a process, right?
