Scorpion Season 2 Episode 17 Review: Adaptation

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I always knew sock puppets were trouble.

On Scorpion Season 2 Episode 17, Toby and Walter were back in therapy, which was amazing. The session snippets are a lot of fun to watch, and I wish we could have seen the puppets being made.

I mean when did the sock puppets get made, and why didn't we get to see that magic happen? The Toby puppet was spot on. I mean the hat was perfection.

The therapy sessions are not only a great way to bring humor, but it allows for Toby and Walter's relationship to develop and grow. Of course therapy does bring secrets to the surface, and today the secret was Quintis.

Honestly, it's great that Quintis didn't stay in the shadows for too long. For one, we no longer have to wait around until everyone else knows, and it is more fun to see Quintis in the workplace. Are you happy the secret is out?

Sadly, the only reaction we really focused on was Walter's. What do Cabe and Sly have to say about all of this? It could have been fun to get their input. We sort of got Paige's reaction, but she came from a business point of view and not a friend one. How do you think Ralph is going to react?

I may have clapped when Toby called Paige out on being upset that he and Happy were together. Like he said, Paige has urged them to become more human and open up with their emotions, and now that Toby and Happy have, Paige wasn't happy. Toby wasn't afraid to call Paige out on the Waige issue, and it was fantastic.

Toby: I give you Scorpion's own Brangelina, Quintis!
Paige: What the hell's a Quintis?

Waige is currently hiding behind the no fraternization rule. We're at a standstill. They are not making any progress, and it doesn't seem like they ever would unless someone, like Toby, pushed them too.

Hopefully, now that the idea that a workplace relationship isn't a terrible thing is in their heads, Paige and Walter will go on a date or something. 

This case was ridiculously boring. 

Normally shoot outs in the desert are at least a little exciting, but not this time. There wasn't any draw, and it all felt a little rushed. Maybe part of the problem was that everyone was split up, and that there wasn't really a case to solve.

We had to figure out how to shoot drones out of the sky. Okay, did that, and then ran into a problem of an unsinkable drone, and then it just turned into running from the bad guys. 

There wasn't any real sense of danger. Sure, it was cool to see Cabe have a shoot out with a drone, but it didn't save the entire case. Honestly, the only amusing part was seeing Happy and Sly freak out over what Toby is telling them to do to help Sanchez. Plus, we got a cute Quintis moment out of it, so that was nice.

Quintis had a fight or two in this hour about how Toby was coming on a bit too strong. He needs to learn how to relax, as evident by his rapid fire texting. The majority of the fight was fine. Toby and Happy were able to work through it and have an open dialog, and Quintis came out stronger. 

The one part that bothered me was the tracking software. When Sly brought that up, I had to do a double take because it came out of nowhere, and it took a minute to figure out how Sly would have known that the software existed. 

Happy: You let the cat out of the bag.
Toby: Cats shouldn't be in a bag in the first place. Bags are a terrible place for cats.

It would have been better if Toby explained why it was good that Walter had Happy's phone instead of leaving it to be a mystery until we got back to the garage. Then, we could have witnessed Happy's immediate reaction, and we wouldn't have had those moments of confusion before Sly filled us all in. Did this bother anyone else?

What did you think of the episode? I need to see Sly auditioning for the Price of Right. I need everyone in the audience all dressed up, even Walter and Happy. I need it badly. What do you think everyone should dress up as? Leave your thoughts and outfit suggestions in a comment below.

Remember you can watch Scorpion online anytime via TV Fanatic.

Adaptation Review

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Scorpion Season 2 Episode 17 Quotes

My name is Toby. I went to Harvard. I chase Happy Quinn around like a schoolboy. I probably wear this hat in the shower.


Toby: I am saying you have a superiority complex.
Walter: But I am superior.