Major Crimes Season 4 Episode 23 Review: Hindsight Part 5

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Julio just can't catch a break, can he?

He's never really gotten over his wife's death and recently learned that she was the one responsible for stopping her seizure meds, leading to her death.

And in Major Crimes Season 4 Episode 23, he finds out that Stephanie Dunn, who he's been bonding with over the loss of their spouses, killed her husband and a bunch of other people.

Mark Hickman - Major Crimes

To his credit, Julio did the healthiest thing possible: he yelled at Stephanie while confronting her about the murders she'd committed, then stopped her from killing herself.

I'm sorry won't cut it.


The heartbreak was written all over his face after he took the empty gun away and allowed Sykes to arrest her. He really looked down at Provenza's makeshift wedding. 

In retrospect, Stephanie was most likely to be the killer. She was an outsider, supposedly bereft over her husband's death, and came on strong when she claimed someone else was guilty.

But did it have to be that way? Did the first woman to give Julio hope have to turn out to be the murderer he was seeking?

Rachel took everything from me. My self-respect, my job, my husband. I know you won't believe it, but I loved that son-of-a-bitch. I LOVED him.


It seemed like heartbreak was the theme of the hour. Hickman's wife had the perfect motive for murder – Rachel Gray stole her husband and her happy marriage. Apparently Rachel did the same thing to Stephanie, which is what caused her to snap and start killing people.

Even Gary's plot against Sharon Beck had something to do with being heartbroken, albeit in a twisted manner.

Patrice: Louie, you look amazing.
Provenza: Well, that's because... I'm amazed.

Thankfully, we had Provenza's wedding as a counterbalance to all those failed relationships. Everyone kept joking about how many marriages Provenza has had, but he and Patrice seemed truly in love. His nervousness and difficulty believing she really wanted to be his wife were endearing.

Sharon and Andy also make a nice couple, though they didn't say much during the wedding scenes, and Rusty and Gus also looked good together.

All those couples allowed the hour to end on a happier note. Even Julio smiled at one point even though the sadness in his eyes was very clear.

Everyone's about to know something, Gary. And now I'm leaving you just like you left me, in a place full of cages with nowhere to go.


Rusty's confrontation of Gary provided an interesting juxtaposition with Sharon's confrontation of Stephanie. Both Rusty and Sharon pointed out that everyone knew – or soon would – what had really happened.

I wasn't a big fan of this particular Rusty storyline, which seemed like a rerun of past storylines. But I cheered when Rusty confronted Gary. Hopefully now he can put his past to rest for once and for all and move on to something better.

No. I'm not talking to her. She goes or I go. Gentlemen, I'm under no obligation here, am I?


About the only low point of the episode was the continuation of this ridiculous Hickman/Sykes relationship or whatever it was. Hickman is one of the most annoying characters to visit the Major Crimes Unit; let's hope this is truly the last we've seen of him.

So now that this long story arc has come to a close, what did you think? How long did it take you to figure out Stephanie was the killer? Do you think Julio will ever find happiness?  Weigh in below!

Check back this summer when Major Crimes Season 5 begins airing! In the meantime, don't forget you can always watch Major Crimes online to catch up on anything you missed or want to see again.

Hindsight Part 5 Review

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Rating: 4.8 / 5.0 (37 Votes)

Jack Ori is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. His debut young adult novel, Reinventing Hannah, is available on Amazon. Follow him on X.

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Major Crimes Season 4 Episode 23 Quotes

Daniel Price: Proud of you? Proud of you? No, brother. I pity you. You're going to hell.
Dennis Price: You cause me any problems and I'll make sure you go there first.

You live off my tithe. I'll make sure that you and Jesus get your 10%.
