New Girl Season 5 Episode 11 Review: The Apartment

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What a difference a week can make!

New Girl has been on shaky ground this season, but there was something for everyone on New Girl Season 5 Episode 11.

I found myself actually laughing at the situations everyone got themselves in instead of at the characters themselves. It was a refreshing change of pace. 

Let's get right down to it and discuss "The Apartment."

We've all been where Jess has been, right? I have to give her credit for not being overly nice when it came to Becky and instead taking out her frustrations. It was hilarious seeing her yelling about her hatred for Becky while the guys watched.

I wasn't entirely surprised to see the new principal using Jess. She's always been the easy target when it comes to bullies, and Becky was a bully. At least Jess found some time to help Cece out with her predicament, but I knew the budget work would come back to bite her.

Speaking of Cece, was anyone else confused she still had her apartment? I felt like maybe I missed something, but I just figured she was living at the loft. Cece not having her apartment packed wasn't a huge stretch for her – she seems to be the most unorganized person alive. 

I could certainly get behind Cece's idea of getting drunk and everything magically happening. A girl has to have dreams in life. While Cece's indecisiveness was grating on my last nerves, I was grateful Jess decided to throw her out to get the job done herself. 

I understood where Cece was coming from about all the changes. It seems like everything is happening so quickly. It was nice seeing Cece and Jess having best friend time and Cece opening up about her feelings. I just hope they don't continue with Cece being out of it because it will get old quickly. 

My favorite moment had to be Nick's nonchalance at having a regular flasher at the bar. It only got better when Nick was talking about the many times he had been flashed. He really should look into writing a book about the various odd things that have happened to him because he'd easily make a fortune. 

Of course Nick's odd situation introduced us to Winston's new partner, Dunston, who was an exaggerated version of Winston. I'm still not entirely sure how Dunston, or Winston for that matter, were able to graduate from the academy. 

Thank goodness Winston took his friend's advice and asked to be Aly's partner again. I was really hoping Winston would have been honest with her about his feelings.

I'm still holding out hope they'll get together eventually because they would be a great couple. Can't Winston find some happiness (without his cats) for once?

In the end, Jess finally stood up for herself and quit her job. I'm incredibly pleased she found confidence in herself, and I hope it continues. I imagine this decision will hit her, in a bad way, in the coming weeks.

Now it's your turn! Do you think Nick should should write his memoirs? Are you ready for Cece to finally accept the changes going on? 

Don't feel bad if you missed out! Go watch New Girl online now via TV Fanatic anytime. Just make sure to come back to let us know what you think. 

The Apartment Review

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Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (14 Votes)

Samantha McAllister was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in November 2018.

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New Girl Season 5 Episode 11 Quotes

It's not mine. I only buy local except for clothing and produce, medication, water, seasoning, meat.


It's too small to be a cat hotel and too big to be pants so it can't be mine.
