Masters of Sex Season 4 Episode 8 Review: Topeka

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Bill and Virginia have never been on the same page. Is that all about to change?

On Masters of Sex Season 4 Episode 8, Bill and Virginia reconnected while investigating a rival clinic. But their reunion doesn't necessarily mean smooth sailing ahead.

Meanwhile, Nancy manipulated Art into potentially leaving the clinic with her.

Posing As a Couple - Masters of Sex

We are heading into the last couple episodes, and there's no telling what the writers are planning on doing with Bill and Virginia. Despite their sexual reunion, there's still years of emotional baggage and trust issues between the two. Can they really just move past it all at the point?

It was obvious Virginia used their little trip as a way to attempt reconciliation with Bill. However, he was preoccupied by his reunion with Dody.

We've spent little time with Dody, but I already want her around more. She seems like a calm presence, and someone who's more open with her feelings.

Dody: What did the note say?
Bill: What does it matter now?
Dody: Because I want to know if I might have had an entirely different life with a different man. Did you ask me a question in that letter, Billy?
Bill: I did.
Dody: I would have said yes.

If only they had been more upfront all those years ago. It's insane that neither of them would ask the other what was troubling them if they had wanted to spend their lives with each other.

She lied to her husband about meeting with Bill, so that also tells you she has been harboring feelings for him despite the decades that have kept them apart. But is this it for Dody?

Virginia's reaction to Bill's visitor was a minor wake up call. Everything she's been feeling is exactly the same as what Bill felt for years.

Later on while having sex behind the glass, Virginia whispered she loved him and he kissed her back. But I'm not convinced these two will actually have a relationship by season's end. They may continue to have sex, but Bill will probably be more guarded. 

Elsewhere in the episode, Nancy continued to lose points left and right. Her declaration that they've been treated poorly is correct. Or more accurately, Virginia has treated her like crap.

Still, that doesn't give her the right to go behind Bill's and Virginia's backs and get into a discussion about opening another clinic backed by Mr. Clavermore. Bill and Virginia would not take that news lightly, especially considering the fact they have been investigating other clinics copying their methods.

More infuriating was how she used the information Virginia told her about Art and manipulated him into agreeing to move away. Nancy has no intention of stopping her swinging ways.

We have the chance to go someplace where nobody knows us, where we don't have friends or colleagues who think of us as swingers. We can make a fresh start, the two of us together at our own clinic.


Instead of an agreed upon arrangement, now Nancy is just a cheater. She couldn't even remain monogamous to Art for one day. Poor Art thinks Nancy wants what he wants, but he's just being played.

Nancy wants out of the clinic and to stand on her own. That's fine, but she shouldn't use her husband as a means to an end.

Stray Thoughts and Questions

  • Austin and Betty got married, but that's no guarantee they'll be able to get custody of the baby. Hopefully there won't be a drawn out case, and Betty can get the opportunity to be a mother.
  • Lester's point of view is valid, but wasn't he happy with his wife at one point? They didn't even get together until after she participated in the study, so did he view their sex life as a performance then?
  • I am all for Libby's interest in law and going back to school. The divorce from Bill has given her character much more to.

Libby: The idea of standing up in front of a judge, even in small claims court is...
Keller: Intoxicating.
Libby: Completely. Have you... have you ever heard of a woman my age taking classes or going back to school?
Keller: It's not common, but there's not much about you that is.

  • While Harvey and Marcia shouldn't take credit for Masters and Johnson's work, can Bill and Virginia really keep their methods to themselves? Many medical professionals (surgeons, psychiatrists, etc.) use methods created by other people. Isn't this the same situation? 

So over to you! What did you think of the episode? Are Virginia and Bill back together, officially this time? Will we see Dody again? What are your predictions for Masters of Sex Season 4 Episode 9?

Sound off below, and don't forget you can catch up on any missed episodes when you watch Masters of Sex online via TV Fanatic!

Topeka Review

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Amanda Steinmetz was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She went into retirement in June of 2027. Follow her on Twitter.

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Masters of Sex Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

But it's interesting though, the suggestion that feeling undeserving of pleasure can affect the way a man perceives himself... choices he makes.


If I know Virginia, she'll take full advantage of this trip. They're posing as a couple, after all. They're going through treatment. I think she's hoping the Masters and Johnson method will work on Masters and Johnson.
