The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 4 Review: The Cohabitation Experimentation

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We never thought this day would come!

Sheldon and Amy take another big step forward in their relationship on The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 4, and it's about damn time.

Sure, it's only temporary, but it wouldn't be fitting if moving in together wasn't still something Sheldon and Amy took slowly. Baby steps, you guys. Baby steps.

Amy's Experiment - The Big Bang Theory

It's really the perfect way to handle it. Amy's in need of a place to stay after a pipe in her apartment bursts, and it makes perfect sense for her to stay with Sheldon. Penny's suggestion is that Amy stay in Sheldon's apartment and let Leonard stay in Penny's, but Sheldon is hesitant. 

To be fair, Amy's kind of hesitant, too.

She convinces him to give it a try (it would be a five-week arrangement) by appealing to his love for science.

Amy: Sheldon I understand your apprehension, but let me appeal to the scientist in you. Given the five week end date, isn't it the perfect opportunity to consider this an experiment and collect data on our compatibility?
Sheldon: Don't try to lure me in with sexy talk.

Sheldon agrees, but wants it to be a more proper experiment, which is why they find themselves moving into Penny's apartment instead. 

Doing that means they'll also have to share a bed, which works out nicely in terms of seeing what it would be like for these two to live together. 

Of course, Sheldon is just as obnoxious in his sleep as he is when he's awake. Go figure. 

I'm happy with where this is going, and this episode is strong because it has genuinely funny moments, only really gives us two storylines to follow, and it moves everyone forward in a positive way.

We even get to see Leonard and Penny have a new experience together. They get Sheldon out of the apartment and can finally live together by themselves – although that doesn't totally make sense, but sometimes Leonard does stay over at Penny's, and they get to be alone then.

If you ignore that, though, it's a nice moment for them. What they choose to do with that time alone is a rare example of why I love their relationship.

They dance around in their underwear. Because of course they do.

Oh, don't worry. Once you see my sweet moves, sex is inevitable.


As for Howard, Bernadette, and Raj, the focus is on the sex of the baby. I don't love that Raj's only role right now seems to be the overly invested weird uncle to their unborn baby, but at least if that's what they're going to do, they're going all out with it. 

The fact that he knows the baby's sex when Howard and Bernadette don't is also pretty funny, and it actually reminds me of something similar that happened on How I Met Your Mother. 

Other Thoughts:

  • Is Sheldon going to be drafting a new roommate agreement with Amy? It seems like that would be the first thing on his list.
  • Penny and Leonard are both pretty good at giving relationship advice these days.
  • I'm glad Penny knows better than to sit in Sheldon's spot even when he isn't there. 

No matter where I am, this will always be my spot.


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The Cohabitation Experimentation Review

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Rating: 4.3 / 5.0 (125 Votes)

Ashley Bissette Sumerel was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in September 2017. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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The Big Bang Theory Season 10 Episode 4 Quotes

We live with Sheldon, so the word inconvenience has really lost all meaning.


You can't have your head shoved in a toilet as much as I did and not pick up a few things about plumbing.
