Arrow Round Table: Did Felicity Go Too Far?

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Will Felicity wind up in a dark place with Helix?

That was thrown into question on Arrow Season 5 Episode 12 when she went out of her way to help the team. 

TV Fanatics Steve Ford, Jim Garner and Paul Dailly discuss the Susan twist, Ragman losing his rags and Diggle's decision. 

What did you think of that Susan twist?

Steve: I always knew there was something up with Susan, but I could never quite put my finger on it. It's difficult to tell if she is developing feelings for him or if she is straight up playing him.

In any event, she could just end up being another victim of Prometheus, once again proving that anyone Oliver gets close to dies. Oliver really can't catch a break, can he?

Jim: Unlike Steve, I'm pretty damn sure she is just straight up playing him. I sad for Ollie because, yet again a women he likes has deep dark secrets that will blow up in his face.  

Paul: There's always been something not quite right with Susan. All I want is for Thea to return and kick her ass. 

Will Ragman get his rags back?

Steve: He'll get back into those old rags in no time! Rory is a fun character, and while the focus on him has taken a back seat as of late, you can't deny how awesome and unique his powers are.

Perhaps his rags are just dormant due to the explosion and will take time to recover. It would be really cool if his rags get an upgrade from the radiation of the blast when Ragman is back in action.

Jim: I think he will, and like Steve I would love to see him get an "upgrade" in the process. Maybe the journey Rory is going to take will help him find a new level of awesome.  

Paul: Of course. He would not be able to stay on the team without them, so there's that. 

Did Felicity cross a line?

Steve: If we're referring to working with Helix, then I don't believe so. It never hurts to have friends or acquaintances in the right places. If that means keeping her sources to herself, then so be it.

Oliver has kept plenty of secrets, Felicity is entitled to her own. I do wonder though if this new found "partnership" may end up with Felicity biting off more than she can chew.

Jim: I'm guessing this question is about using the info from Helix to blackmail the Russian for his login credentials.

While it may have been over the line, it was awesome seeing her bad-ass side come out and play hardball. It shows that Ollie is not the only one who can make tough choices.  

Paul: She did. She should have let her team know from the get-go. The team has been vocal in the past about people keeping things quiet. 

What did you think of Diggle not killing Walker?

Steve: I knew he wouldn't do it. It's just the way John is. There's no doubt that he wanted to, especially given how smug Walker was being. John will get more satisfaction out of forcing Walker to face his crimes than simply putting a bullet in him.

Jim: I was pretty sure he wouldn't give the regret he had over killing his brother. However, as Steve said, he may get more satisfaction watching him get his through the justice system anyway.  

Paul: It was predictable, but Diggle is not the type of man to resort to murder. Yes, he was pissed, but still, that's not Diggle. 

How long will it take Oliver to figure out Susan's plan?

Steve: One would think rather quickly. I'm betting on this reveal coming within the next couple of episodes. Since Prometheus is the focal point of the season, and as I mentioned before that since I believe Susan will ultimately become another casualty of Prometheus, I think this could happen in the penultimate episode or finale.

Jim: Since we now know, I suspect it won't be long. It's not right for the audience to know something the characters don't for too many episodes, or it gets confusing as people go "wait, didn't he know?" when the reveal finally comes.  

Paul: In the next few episodes. The pace has been brisk this season, so it would be silly to change that up now. 

Remember you can watch Arrow online right here on TV Fanatic. Get caught up with the latest drama now. 

Over to you, Arrow fanatics. Hit the comments with your take on the questions. 

Note: Arrow Season 5 Episode 13 airs February 15 on The CW.

Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Arrow Season 5 Episode 12 Quotes

Felicity: Look tough.
Curtis: Grr.

  • Permalink: Grr.
  • Added:

Diggle: Are you ready for this?
Dinah: When I signed on I didn't think I would be stopping a nuclear arms deal in a foreign country.
Diggle: When I signed on I didn't think I'd be dealing with aliens.
Dinah: Aliens?