Blue Bloods Season 7 Episode 14 Review: In & Out

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With so many murders, and a truly horrifying deal being considered, there were some very serious storylines on Blue Bloods Season 7 Episode 14.

The Gang Leader's Murder - Blue Bloods

But first we need to address something far more fun…

The awesomeness of Jamie and Eddie in this Blue Bloods quote

Jamie: We've been riding together for three years and I'm just finding out about this now.
Eddie: Because I knew you'd freak out.
Jamie: There are some things that just aren't right, Eddie, and this is one of them.
Eddie: My grandparents lived in Philly and we used to go to the games.
Jamie: Seriously, the Flyers! You're not even allowed to mention that name in my father’s house.
Eddie: Don't you think you're overreacting a little bit?
Jamie: No.

I can only hope that the rest of the viewing audience got even half the enjoyment that I did out of their argument over a rival hockey team. 

Because if you are a New York Rangers fan, as the Reagans have stated they are, then you really do look upon Philadelphia Flyers fans with unhidden disdain. 

It didn’t surprise me at all that Eddie would hide that she’s a Flyers fan from Jamie for three years. His reaction was spot on and it made me laugh.

That scene was yet another small moment that reminded me why I love that this show is actually filmed in New York City. 

Oh, and did anyone else notice that Eddie picked the sliced tomatoes off of her plate at lunch and put them on Jamie’s while in mid-conversation. 

They may not be romantically involved, yet, but they certainly have many of the idiosyncrasies of a long-term couple. 

Now, on to the far less fun but certainly more dramatic parts of this episode. 

There were few things about Danny and Baez’s investigation into the murder of rival gang leaders that were unexpected…

Except for the parole officer sleeping with the gang’s hired killer! Now that was a twist I didn’t see coming. 

I was a little startled by how much Baez pushed back on Danny investigating Ramirez.

Yes, Ramirez had a clean record for the 13 years she was on the job but if an eye witness actually saw Ronald Lloyd do the shooting, and Ramirez claimed he was at their meeting, there was a problem somewhere. 

As Ramirez later pointed out herself, they could have easily checked out the video surveillance to see if Lloyd had actually arrived for that meeting, although taking photos of her kissing her parolee was far more damaging. 

The moment Ramirez stepped into Lloyd’s apartment I knew she was dead. Blue Bloods needs to stop killing off the people who try to get confessions recorded for the police…

I’m thinking of Ernie “Goodnight” Mason who was killed just a couple of episodes ago. Danny really needs to do a better job of protecting his informants!

Finally we get to Frank…

Gormley: Guys like Don Kent don't come along every day.
Frank: And in Don's case they get assassinated for it.

I couldn’t believe that Frank was really considering letting Mario Hunt out of prison, for any reason! 

This was the man who actually pulled the trigger on Chief Kent and his wife, and then made a deal and turned over the gang leader who ordered the hit in order to get a light sentence. 

Did anyone believe that Hunt would keep his word? Maybe he’d stop the killings today but what about next month and the month after that. He wasn’t going to suddenly become a good guy just because he was let out of jail early. 

I kept thinking that if Frank could pull strings to get him released, why not pull those same strings to get this guy sent to some super max facility where he could no longer contact his fellow gang members. 

But Frank Reagan took that idea one step further. 

Mario Hunt - Blue Bloods Season 7 Episode 14

He threatened to send Hunt to a prison in Atlanta that is overrun by members of the rival gang. 

Is a cop supposed to, effectively, send a convict off to be murdered by rival gang members?


But he’s also not supposed to let convicted killers walk free because they threaten more lives. 

In the end, I was okay with how this one worked out. 

Check back next week for my review of Blue Bloods Season 7 Epsiode 15

And if you need more of the Reagan family, you can watch Blue Bloods online here at TV Fanatic.

In & Out Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Blue Bloods Season 7 Episode 14 Quotes

Jamie: We've been riding together for three years and I'm just finding out about this now.
Eddie: Because I knew you'd freak out.
Jamie: There are some things that just aren't right, Eddie, and this is one of them.
Eddie: My grandparents lived in Philly and we used to go to the games.
Jamie: Seriously, the Flyers! You're not even allowed to mention that name in my father’s house.
Eddie: Don't you think you're overreacting a little bit?
Jamie: No.

Gormley: Guys like Don Kent don't come along every day.
Frank: And in Don's case they get assassinated for it.