Arrow Season 6 Episode 2 Review: Tribute

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What happens when a superhero's secret identity is exposed to the whole city like Oliver Queen's on Arrow?

That is the big question Arrow Season 6 Episode 2 deals with after the events of Arrow Season 6 Episode 1. But the results are extremely painful to watch.

Still Hiding Behind A Mask - Arrow Season 6 Episode 2

For many seasons now, Arrow has been known for having issues with having real stakes to big events. It's almost ridiculous at this point how long that list of examples is.

I loved the introduction of Sydelle Noel as Samanda Watson who verbally kicked the butts of our heroes. Despite the ending, I'm happy she isn't letting them get away with anything that easily.

When a photo of you as a vigilante is leaked, it's a situation that should be difficult to get out of. But clearly, that is not how Arrow likes to operate.

It's almost cringe-worthy to see a show rely on a simple solution as "the photo was digitally doctored" to get out of it. How did Felicity and Curtis manage to orchestrate that to the press?

Back With A Fist Of Fury - Arrow Season 6 Episode 2

Not only does it take away all the stakes of the premiere's cliffhanger, but it makes Star City look like idiots. Thankfully, Watson isn't letting go of it that easily, so at least there is a small upside.

This is either the second or third time that Arrow has dealt with this storyline. The last time Oliver got out of it, it was at the expense of Roy Harper, a situation which I bought.

But this doesn't work at all, and it makes it difficult to take Arrow seriously. I would have enjoyed seeing this arc be dealt with for a number of episodes.

Who knows, maybe this isn't truly over, and perhaps Watson has a key role in that. But it was disappointing to see such a massive obstacle be resolved so easily.

Do Not Mess With Mister Terrific - Arrow Season 6 Episode 2

The war between Oliver and Anatoly was enjoyable, though. It is tragic to see two friends now being enemies after everything they went through.

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted! Only time will tell how Anatoly will factor into the big villainous team-up that is happening this season.

Diggle and Dinah's side plot was one of the few things I appreciated with "Tribute." Just like Watson, Dinah is a woman who doesn't take crap and dealing with Diggle was not an exception.

I'm glad he came clean about his damage. It would have gotten old if we had Diggle go "I'm fine, really!" for the near future.

The Black Canary Sings - Arrow Season 6 Episode 2

It still hurts me to see Diggle shattered because, throughout five years of Arrow, it's not something I'm used to watching. His close partnership with Dinah continues to be a highlight of Arrow Season 6.

Although if we're going to be fair here, Diggle works well with pretty much anyone. "Tribute" had another big problem which was the ending between Oliver and Diggle.

I have to ask at this point....hasn't Oliver wanted to quit the Green Arrow gig for years? Because for some reason, Arrow keeps finding a way to force Oliver into giving up his vigilantism.

I can't keep count anymore of how many times Oliver has given up being the Emerald Archer. Don't get me wrong, his reason for giving it up this time is respectable and legit.

Up Close With Wild Dog - Arrow Season 6 Episode 2

Oliver is putting his son's need in front of his own, and for that, I'll give him a cookie. But at the same time, it doesn't work, and it's not any less ridiculous that he wants Diggle to take the mantle.

John Diggle is a man with a particular set of skills. But guess what? Archery ain't one of them, and it makes the ending to "Tribute" even more problematic. 

Let's not forget the fact that Diggle can't even aim a gun right anymore. Does anyone think he will do any better with a bow and arrow?

This also has to do with Arrow's stakes problem as I will paint you this picture. They will try for an episode or three when Diggle suddenly becomes decent enough at archery to pass as a convincing Green Arrow.

But then [insert any catalyst] will force Oliver to have to become the Green Arrow again. Oliver will also then have to break his promise to William who I'm guessing will be very understanding.

The Dynamic Duo - Arrow Season 6 Episode 2

By the time we get to the four-show crossover, we know Oliver will be suiting up again to stop evil forces again. That is why this so-called "plot twist" is hard to take seriously.

This needs to be the last time Arrow plays the "Oliver gives up being the Green Arrow" card.

Overall, "Tribute" was a weak follow-up to "Fallout" with poor and lazy solutions to large problems. With the exception of Diggle/Dinah and the wrath of Anatoly, "Tribute" might be one of Arrow's weakest episodes ever.

Perhaps this plot will have a decent conclusion, and I'll come to appreciate more in coming weeks. But right now, that is not the case at all.

Now it's your turn to let us know in the comments what you thought of "Tribute"! Do you think Arrow has problems with their stakes?

Do you believe Diggle will be a good Green Arrow for Star City? Who do you think leaked the photo of Oliver?

Remember you can watch Arrow online right here via TV Fanatic! Catch up with Star City's Emerald Archer!

Tribute Review

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Arrow Season 6 Episode 2 Quotes

Oliver: First, this is important, I'm not the Green Arrow.
Reporter: If you're not the Green Arrow, who is?
Oliver: Number 2! Photos can be doctored. They could have put Bruce Wayne's head on that body. Has Bruce Wayne left Gotham to hang out in Star City recently? No!

Diggle: I'm not lying. I'm telling you this is none of your business.
Dinah: I'm out in the field with you at less than 100%, this is damn well my business! And it's Oliver's