Arrow Season 6 Episode 17 Review: Brothers In Arms

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The drama continues in the latest chapter of Arrow as Oliver and Diggle finally duke it out.

While the boys are butting heads, Ricardo Diaz continues to rise as the Dragon of Star City.

Unnecessary Fight - Arrow Season 6 Episode 17

Where to begin with Arrow Season 6 Episode 17? This was a roller coaster that I'm not sure no one should have to experience.

We have been here many times where our heroes are constantly arguing with each other. This time it was Diggle's turn to lose his patience with Oliver which was heavy.

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It is difficult to take anyone's side in this absurd argument. Both of them made valid points during their shouting contest that felt like a high school showdown.

But these are two grown men in, what I assume, their mid-30s at this point. Their fight was heartbreaking as well as extremely petty.

Every story has conflict and drama between characters, I get it. It would be unrealistic if characters always got along and agreed on everything.

But Arrow Season 6 doesn't get to have that. Because this is what we get every season of Arrow where the team is always fighting each other.

Will They Place Nice - Arrow

It doesn't help that we have seen the newbies fight with Team Arrow for multiple episodes now. This is repetitive writing and not what a Green Arrow show should have.

I don't know who was the worst out of the two of them. Oliver bringing up Diggle killing his own brother or Diggle listing the loved ones that have died because of Oliver's actions.

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The worst aspect of this story is that this is probably what Diaz wants. He will benefit from Oliver being completely alone without a team.

Sure he has Felicity, but she is no vigilante so technically Ollie is going solo now. Despite the intensity of their fighting, it is dragging down the season as a whole.

This is also the result of having 23 episodes per season. They have to stir some other drama up until we get to the final 2-3 episodes of Arrow Season 6.

Remember how The Flash Season 4 had Barry and Iris go to therapy for their problems? We got that in The Flash Season 4 Episode 2 which made wonders for their relationship.

Can They Play Nicely - Arrow Season 6 Episode 17

Let me add that they're both younger than these two grown men and yet they make better decisions. The fact that this has to be typed out is insane!

Maybe Diggle has a point about Oliver being a horrible leader. A true leader would be able to solve issues like this without fists and yelling.

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This is the largest issue Arrow has had for many seasons now. They never learn from their past drama and never work out their issues.

They get together as a team and everything is solid for a period of time. But then hell eventually breaks loose in one way or another and we've come full circle.

How are we as viewers supposed to take Diggle's departure seriously when he'll go back on his word? You know it will happen unless David Ramsey isn't back for Arrow Season 7.

I can't even imagine a realistic scenario where the other members will join the team again. This is what is killing Arrow which is that there is no family nor team feeling at all.

Let's focus on what Black Siren was up to which is both hilarious as well as confusing. I love how casually she and Quentin are about her acting as the Earth-1 Laurel.

Dragon Up To No Good - Arrow Season 6 Episode 17

Then there is the ending with her and Diaz. I still have this suspicious feeling that she is playing Diaz somehow or only working with him for survival's sake.

Speaking of Diaz, he must be having a blast right about now. He barely has to do anything and yet he is winning!

Kirk Acevedo kills it in the role and while I want to see more of him, Diaz is a solid baddie. Even the fact that he is referenced as the Dragon is a plus to me.

It was cute to see Oliver trying to use his position as mayor to fire Diaz's people. The consequences could not have been more foreshadowed.

Overall, "Brothers in Arms" didn't do a lot of good for Arrow Season 6 as we're approaching the end. The only upside was that we are reminded that Diaz is a slick villain.

Now it's your turn to let us know what you thought of Arrow Season 6 Episode 17! What did you think of Diggle and Oliver's fighting?

How do you feel about Diggle joining ARGUS? Why is Ricardo Diaz so damn slick!

Remember you can watch Arrow online right here via TV Fanatic! Catch up with Green Arrow and the vigilantes of Star City!

Brothers In Arms Review

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Arrow Season 6 Episode 17 Quotes

Diggle: Oliver, I'm, uh... really sorry about what I said.
Oliver: You apologized already, John. So did I.
Diggle: I know...I know. But what I said about the calls you made, where you brought us, the team, the city, I... I just can't shake them.
Oliver: You can't shake that you said it?
Diggle: I can't shake that it's true. Oliver, for six years, I have followed the chain of command without question, even when my heart told me there was a better way. I trusted it. I trusted you. But the inescapable truth is that people have lost faith in your leadership. Truth is, Oliver, you have become a better man. But with your focus split... a worse leader. The Green Arrow allows you to become the best version of yourself, and I respect that. I respect you. But if I'm gonna be the best version of myself...Oliver, it can't be with you.
Oliver: I hope you find what you're looking for.

Ricardo: You don't want to torture him a bit? You know, maybe slit his throat. What happened to all that Russian vengeance I heard so much about?
Anatoly: Is new suit.