Modern Family Season 10 Episode 2 Review: Kiss and Tell

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On Modern Family Season 10 Episode 2, the subject matter is relationship secrets, and Haley's got a doozy.

Finding out that Haley kissed Dylan was a disappointment. When she decided to come clean and tell Arvin, I thought there was hope for her. Our little Haley was growing up.


A Made Up Girlfriend - Modern Family

A few choice lines from Dylan and she's back in his arms. While I appreciate that Haley's young and she got loads of time to settle down, the relationship road and Haley has been done too much on the show. 

Although Andy and Haley were a much better match, I liked her and Dylan together too. They were high school sweethearts, and there was pureness about them that was nice.

It was so predictable that Dylan was bettering himself for Haley and she fell for it.

Haley, I fell in love with you that day and I never stopped. I'm going to keep making myself better until I deserve you.


So, this is where Modern Family is taking a stand? That you can love two people at the same time? 

Not funny. Not in a comedy show.

Give Alex some more airtime. She's dating a firefighter and having hot sex. There's gotta be something funny there.

Phil Mean Girl - Modern Family Season 10 Episode 2

What about Luke? Give him a girlfriend. I don't recall that storyline ever happening for Luke.

While we're on the subject of relationships, we've got Manny. He has a girlfriend in the beginning, and since no one can verify, they automatically think he's gay? That's a bit of a leap.

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When Claire and Phil thought Alex was making up her boyfriend, they didn't assume she was gay, but I'll let that slide.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but when Mitch and Cam brought up the possibility to Gloria, she was in denial and seemed genuinely upset.

Well, well, well, if it isn't John, Paul, and George. Anybody need a Ringo?


The writers may have been trying to convey that she was upset Manny wouldn't have opened up to her, but it came off that she was upset he could be gay.

Oh boy.

Gloria doesn't have a problem with gays, so I'm going to say for the sake of argument she was upset because Manny didn't confide in her. That fits with the rest of the storyline with Gloria making every effort to show her support of his chosen lifestyle.

I didn't like the storyline. It didn't make sense. Yes, Manny has some less than traditional masculine qualities, but no one questioned his sexuality before, and who cares? If he is gay, great; if not, great.

Haley Reveals a Secret - Modern Family Season 10 Episode 2

Mitch and Cam should be the first ones to say that pushing Manny to come out would have been wrong. The Prichett/Dunphy/Delgado household has always been openly supportive, so there's no reason for anyone in that family to remain in the closet.

It feels like the writers are reaching.

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I get it. Pulling out story after story for season after season is tough, but you have to stay true to the characters and the relationships and their arcs. Once you start to deviate from that, fans notice and faith in the show begins to fade.

Phil thinks he can Mean Girls me? How lame is that? Let me tell you something, I might be a pretty face, but I fight to win. Just like Legally Blonde!


Another storyline that fit like a square peg in a round hole was from Jay and Phil.

I will admit the whole Mean Girls bit was funny. Seeing Phil torn up having to be mean to Jay was on point. It should have bothered Phil because he's always wanted Jay's approval from day one. That wasn't the problem with the storyline.

The problem was Jay at the end.

Gathering at Jay's - Modern Family Season 10 Episode 2

We all know Jay likes Phil. Modern Family has been good about peppering this truth through the whole series. But Gloria revealing that Jay looks up to Phil and secretly wants to be like him?

No. That's not Jay.

It came off like Jay revealed this to his wife in a private husband/wife conversation. I'm not buying that.

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Jay's a salty dog. He has a hard shell with a bit of soft gooey center. He loves his family. But the Jay we all have come to know is confident in Jay Pritchett. He doesn't want to be like Phil.

Jay has cut loose more than once, so it's not like he can't be silly and have a good time.

Did you get a peck from a pickled Pepper?


Remember when the adults all got kicked out of the fancy restaurant and ended up at a taco stand?

Jay was the one to sing into his beer bottle, belting out "Midnight Train to Georgia." 

Jay has always been okay being Jay. He's not secretly whispering to Gloria how he wants to be like Phil. Come on.

So, we have the families together, which was something Modern Family needed to bring back, but the show still feels disheveled. Bring back the easy breezy funny and keep the characters true.

What do you think Modern Family fanatics? Am I too critical? Were you annoyed at the Haley love life angle? Did you buy the whole Jay wants to be more like Phil storyline?

Hit the comments and tell me what you think!

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Kiss and Tell Review

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Kim Russell was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in January 2019.

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Modern Family Season 10 Episode 2 Quotes

Did you get a peck from a pickled Pepper?


Phil thinks he can Mean Girls me? How lame is that? Let me tell you something, I might be a pretty face, but I fight to win. Just like Legally Blonde!
